WASHINGTON, D.C., October 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Nancy Pelosi said she is “proud” of the president of Planned Parenthood during an extended interview on Saturday.
House Minority Leader Pelosi held up Cecile Richards as a role model during a question-and-answer session with the Texas Tribune, a “progressive” publication in the conservative state.
Pelosi said Texas had not yet contributed in a positive way to the nation's commonweal by – for instance – electing more Democrats to Congress. However, she said some figures from the state deserved praise.
“We all want to be Ann Richards,” she said, referring to the one-term Democratic governor (1991-5). Ann Richards delivered a scathing keynote address to the 1988 Democratic National Convention, excoriating fellow Texan and future president George H.W. Bush.
Ann Richards, the last Democratic governor of Texas, got her start aiding the political career of Sarah Weddington, the lead attorney supporting abortion in the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade case.
“Speaking of Ann Richards, aren't we all proud of Cecile Richards?” Pelosi asked those present.
Cecile Richards, the embattled president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, is Ann Richards' daughter.
Pelosi made her comment as Planned Parenthood remains under multiple Congressional investigations for allegedly altering their abortion technique to maximize the number of organs harvested for biomedical researchers, a service for which some Planned Parenthood affiliates receive $60 per body part.
It also came just two days before Texas decided to remove Planned Parenthood from the state Medicaid program – a move Texas Sen. Ted Cruz says the rest of the country should follow.
It was not the first time Pelosi – who describes herself as “an ardent, practicing Catholic” – had made comments at odds with her professed faith.
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She has referred to abortion as “sacred ground,” described defunding Planned Parenthood as one of “the horrors” pro-life Congressmen have considered, and that “women can die on the floor” if Congress allowed insurance companies to opt out of funding abortions.
The House is poised to vote this Friday on a reconciliation budget bill that would deprive Planned Parenthood of 89 percent of its tax revenue for one year. Pelosi plans to vote against the measure.