ARLINGTON, Virginia, February 9, 2011 ( – A national group for budding pro-life doctors is planning a speaking tour to raise awareness of upcoming threats to the conscience rights of the next generation of medical professionals.
In its National Bioethics Symposium and Tour, Medical Students for Life (Med SFLA) will be traveling to 22 medical schools and universities in February and March in order to counter the Obama Administration’s attempts to strike down physician conscience rights. Dominique Monlezun, National Coordinator for Medical Students for Life, will be traveling with Dr. John Bruchalski, a former abortion provider, founder of the pro-life Tepeyac Family Center in Virginia, and one of the nation’s foremost medical experts on pro-life health care.
“If we want ready access to health care, don’t we also want to trust the doctors and nurses providing that care?” Monlezun commented. “If the Obama Administration succeeds in demolishing our conscience rights, you will have little guarantee that your little girl’s doctor will have an ethical commitment past their paycheck.”
Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director of Students for Life of America, called the tour “critical for the future of the medical profession in our country.”
“It is at medical schools that pro-life students are facing discrimination and pressure from their medical school to conform to their pro-abortion policies,” said Hawkins. “Med SFLA has countered this by working with medical students across the country to inform them of their rights and will help counter these prevalent abortion policies with the first ever national Med SFLA speaking tour.”
Monlezun and Bruchalski will be traveling to 19 states in 14 days between February and March, giving presentations to medical students during the day and undergraduates and the public at night.
The tour will run from February 16-23 and March 16-23, with the first tour beginning at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, followed by stops at UNC Chapel Hill, Mercer University and Mercer School of Medicine, Florida State University College of Medicine, University of South Alabama School of Medicine and Spring Hill College, Louisiana State University-New Orleans School of Medicine, and Tulane University School of Medicine.
The second tour will begin in Minneapolis and continue with stops at Boston University and Chicago Medical School of Rosalind Franklin University and finish with Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
Visit the Medical Students for Life website for more information about the Med SFLA tour.