OTTAWA, Ontario, October 18, 2012 ( – The New Democrat LGBTT critic let slip on Monday the real purpose behind the private members motion that would strike a committee on developing a “national bullying prevention strategy.”
New Democrat MP Dany Morin, associate LGBTT critic, urged the House to support his motion, Motion 385, saying that a national strategy on bullying is needed to “protect young people” and “save lives.”
But in defending his colleague’s motion, MP Randall Garison, NDP’s main LGBTT critic, said that the motion is less about bullying than combating what he called “the deep-rooted sexism and homophobia in our society,” which he claimed “reinforce and validate the attitudes and actions of bullies.”
While “people can be bullied for any number of reasons” it is the “bullying based on sexism … and bullying based on homophobia” that Garison said he was “primarily” concerned about.
Canadian studies have shown that bullying based upon a perceived homosexual orientation is one of the least common forms of bullying, with body image, grades or marks, cultural or ethnic background, and language being the leading causes of bullying.
Jim Hughes, Campaign Life Coalition president, called the NDP motion a “royal crock” and said that it was “just more of the same pro-homosexual agenda.”
“The NDP will not lift a finger to stop bullying in the womb by abortion and now they want us to believe that they are suddenly concerned about saving lives with an anti-bullying strategy?”
“If NDP MPs were truly in favor of ‘saving lives’ as Dany Morin mentioned in his address to the House, then he and Randall Garison would have voted in favor of Steven Woodworth’s Motion 312, which could have led to saving many lives,” he said.
Pro-family critics have long warned that the anti-bullying cause has been hijacked by homosexualist activists. Anti-bullying initiatives, they say, are often designed to force society to accept the homosexual lifestyle, by suggesting that the only way to stop bullying against homosexuals is to eradicate any moral qualms about homosexuality.
Those who oppose homosexuality are labeled ‘bigots’ and ‘homophobes’, and are accused of creating a ‘climate of violence’ that is responsible for all LGBTT name-calling, health problems, and suicide.
Morin noted in his address to the House that a committee to establish a national bullying prevention strategy would look to the provinces, such as Ontario, that have already “implemented good initiatives” against bullying.
The McGuinty government’s recently passed “anti-bullying bill” forced gay-straight alliance activist clubs on Ontario’s schools, including those schools operated by the Catholic Church. While Bill 13 was ostensibly presented as a governmental effort to combat bullying in schools, parents and pro-family advocates saw it as a threat to parental rights and religious freedom on account of its hyper-focus on homosexual-related bullying.