(LifeSiteNews) – Close to half of Canadians are shunning the idea of getting a “booster” of the revised and still experimental COVID mRNA-based jab this fall, according to a new Ipsos poll.
The poll, which was commissioned by Global News, found that 45% of Canadians said as a reason for not getting the booster is that they “don’t feel it’s worth getting a COVID-19 booster shot.”
In September, Health Canada approved a revised Moderna mRNA-based COVID shot despite research showing that 1 in 35 recipients of the booster ended up with myocardial damage.
The poll revealed that 30% of Canadians have safety concerns over the COVID jabs, with 23% of respondents noting they do not “feel safe getting a COVID-19 booster shot,” and 7% saying they are “against vaccines.”
The study was conducted October 20-23 from interviews with 1,000 Canadians ages 18 and older.
The poll revealed that 60% of Canadians have already gotten or are planning to get a COVID booster.
However, when broken down by age category, only 31% of those age 18-34 have gotten a COVID booster, with that number falling to 18% for ages 25-54. For 55-plus, only 19% have gotten the booster.
LifeSiteNews reported last month that uptake of the COVID “booster” jab in the province of Alberta shows that only 0.4% of the population has decided to get it.
Canada-wide, official statistics for those who got a booster are no longer available. Health Canada has noted, “We no longer report the number and percentage of people who completed their primary series or received a booster dose in the last six months.”
There is mounting evidence that all mRNA-based COVID injections carry extreme risks, including for children.
A recent study done by researchers at the Canada-based Correlation Research in the Public Interest found that 17 countries have a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause mortality and the fast rollouts of the COVID shots and boosters.
LifeSiteNews reported last month how the Polyomavirus Simian Virus 40 (SV40), which is a monkey-linked DNA sequence known to cause cancer when it was used in old polio vaccines, has been confirmed by Health Canada to be present in the Pfizer COVID shot, a fact that was not disclosed by the vaccine maker to officials.
Majority of Canadians shunning COVID news and ‘government recommendations’ about the shots
Interestingly, the poll shows that 52% of Canadians have tuned out COVID news along with “government recommendations” about the shots, with 44% saying COVID is no “longer a concern” to them.
According to Ipsos Public Affairs vice president Sean Simpson, the poll results show that the “narrative around COVID boosters is shifting.”
“When the vaccine first came out, most people supported mandatory vaccinations. Most people got their vaccines. Now we’re further removed,” he said
Simpson said people now view COVID boosters as a “personal choice” rather than a “civic duty,” as was the case when the jabs were introduced.
The COVID shots were heavily promoted by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. During the so-called COVID pandemic, he referred to those who chose not to get the experimental COVID shots as terrible people.
The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), although silent early on during the COVID crisis, later came out opposing COVID mandates.
A recent bill championed by party leader Pierre Poilievre that would have given Canadians back their “bodily autonomy” by banning future jab mandates was voted down after Trudeau’s Liberals and other parties rejected it.
In 2021, Trudeau said Canadians “vehemently opposed to vaccination” do “not believe in science,” are “often misogynists, often racists,” and even questioned whether Canada should continue to “tolerate these people.”
In April, Trudeau came under fire after claiming he did not “force” anyone to take the COVID-19 shots.
Adverse effects from the first round of COVID shots have resulted in a growing number of Canadians filing for financial compensation over injuries from the jabs via the federal Vaccine Injury Program (VISP).
Thus far, VISP has already paid over $6 million to those injured by COVID injections, with some 2,000 claims remaining to be settled.
In October 2021, Trudeau announced unprecedented COVID-19 jab mandates for federal workers and those in the transportation sector and said the unjabbed would no longer be able to travel by air, boat, or train, both domestically and internationally.
This policy resulted in thousands losing their jobs or being placed on leave for non-compliance. It also trapped “unvaccinated” Canadians in the country.