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SAN FRANCISCO, California, June 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A federal judge ruled that Pacific Fertility Center must pay $15 million in damages to five people after a 2018 storage tank malfunction destroyed 3,500 eggs and embryos, the New York Post reported.
Hundreds of clients have sued over the mishandling of their eggs and embryos at the fertility center, but this is the first payout, which will be divided among three women who lost eggs and one couple who lost embryos. According to ABC News, the women each received between $2 million and $3 million. The couple in the lawsuit was compensated $7.2 million.
A clinic in Ohio lost more than 4,000 eggs and embryos in a similar incident on the same day.
Reports did not pinpoint the exact number of embryos destroyed at the San Francisco center. Jurors found the tank manufacturer, Chart Industries Inc., which evidence had shown previously failed to recall a faulty part, to be most at fault and was required to pay 90 percent of the settlement. The clinic was to pay the remaining 10 percent.
Science shows that life begins at the moment of conception, but neither organization has acknowledged that their negligence has resulted in the deaths of numerous children.
Fertility centers often freeze eggs or embryos for their patrons to use at a later time. In the case of frozen embryos, these undeveloped but fully human babies are kept in a freezer to be brought into the world at the discretion of their parents.
Clinics routinely dispose of unwanted embryos regardless of the fact that they are human persons. When patients decide to have a baby in vitro, the clinic creates multiple babies with the eggs and sperm. Clients can then choose which embryo to implant in the woman’s uterus. The remaining children are either frozen for future use or killed.