(LifeSiteNews) — A new animated Netflix Christmas movie mocks the traditional Nativity story of Our Lord, and even blasphemously suggests that the Blessed Mother considered having an abortion.
This December, Netflix aired Hollywood director Richard Curtis’ film, “That Christmas,“ an animated movie which features a group of children putting on a blasphemous Christmas play, complete with “wise women” instead of wise men and a character depicting Our Blessed Mother signing a song about abortion.
“Jesus was a cool dude: a beard, long hair, into woodwork. A hipster, basically,” Bernadette, the child character who organizes the play states in the scene.
“He wouldn’t have wanted us to do the same boring Christmas story year after year, right, parents?” she continues. “He’d want a strictly vegetarian, multi-cultural fun fest with lots of pop songs and stuff about climate change.”
In the film’s Nativity story, shepherds herd vegetables, not sheep, and the three wise men are replaced with three wise women.
However, the most blasphemous part of the play occurs when the cartoon character playing the Blessed Virgin sings pop-star Madonna’s song, “Papa Don’t Preach.” The 1986 song centers around a teenage girl who falls pregnancy and decides not to have an abortion, but considers one. Madonna herself is known for falsely arguing that Jesus would have supported abortion, and the use of the song seems to imply that the sinless Blessed Mother contemplated grave sin.
At the end of the song, when the cartoon character depicting Our Lady decides to keep baby Jesus – who is shockingly portrayed by a watermelon wrapped in a blanket – another character accidentally knocks the watermelon out of her hands. The watermelon falls and smashes, covering the audience in red, implying the death of the Christ Child.
Not only did the movie blasphemously suggest that Mary considered aborting Jesus, but it undermined Mary’s complete submission to God’s will by accepting to be the Mother of Christ.
When the angel Gabriel told Our Lady that she was chosen to be the Mother of the Messiah, she responded that she was unworthy of the role but accepted God’s plan saying, “be it done unto me according to thy word.”
The Blessed Mother’s decision completely transformed her life, especially as she was a virgin betrothed to St. Joseph. When she told St. Joseph that she was carrying Christ, St. Joseph determined to dismiss her quietly. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream and told him that Our Lady’s baby was indeed the Messiah and to take her as his wife.
From that moment on, St. Joseph cared for Our Lady and the Christ Child, taking them to Bethlehem and then escaping to Egypt to escape King Herod.
The Netflix production has received harsh criticism for its blasphemous display, with many calling on Catholics to cancel their subscription to the platform.
In a reaction video on Instagram, Mary-Logan Miske, the Southeast campus formation coordinator at Students for Life of America, stated that the movie “crosses the line” by mocking the Nativity story and having Our Lady sing about “keeping baby Jesus.”
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Similarly, Blaze contributor Allen Mashburn warned parents to unsubscribe from the platform, saying, “They hate you, your children, your minds, your country. They want to rewrite your convictions, morals, and worldview.”
🚨Hey Parents, if you still subscribe to Netflix, WHY?
They hate you, your children, your minds, your country. They want to rewrite your convictions, morals, and worldview.
In their new Christmas movie, THAT CHRISTMAS— Netflix promotes woke ideologies, including climate… pic.twitter.com/9Ubl2Thx5A
— Allen Mashburn (@Mashburn4NC) December 6, 2024
“It’s a movie that promotes woke ideologies, including climate change activism, pro-choice rights, and far-left liberalism,” he continued.
Unfortunately, the movie is not out of character for Netflix, which is now well known for promoting anti-Christian films which push abortion, transgenderism, and even satanism.