Friday May 14, 2010
Netherlands Funds Homosexualist Propaganda Campaign in Chile
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, Latin America Correspondent
SANTIAGO, Chile, May 14, 2010 ( – Chileans are being subjected to a massive homosexualist campaign in the nation’s capital, funded by the government of the Netherlands, according to national and international reports.
The campaign uses massive images to promote the acceptance of homosexual relationships, including a billboard with two lesbians kissing each other on the lips posted in Santiago’s Plaza Italia. The subtitle states: “If love bothers you, make yourself look,” and claims that, “Homophobia and transphobia are violence.”
Another image, which is appearing on more than 40 buses in Santiago, shows an elderly couple, presumably at their home, smiling while two homosexual men kiss each other on the lips in the background. The subtitle says, “Because we have principles, we combat discrimination.”
The campaign is being conducted by the Chilean Movement of Sexual Minorities (MOVILH), with open financial support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, whose logo is plastered at the bottom of the posters.
Chile’s La Vanguardia newspaper says that the images have “caused a great controversy in Chile, where the vast majority of the population is Catholic and conservative.”
Chile, a nation that has historically had strong family values, has thus far resisted pressure to create special rights for homosexuals, something MOVILH is openly seeking to change.
“In our country no law exists that makes reference to the rights of sexual minorities, even when we have obtained the approval of municipal ordinances against discrimination. With this campaign, we are seeking to promote and to pressure for the approval of the law against discrimination and of other regulations that will bring an end to the problems suffered by everyone, whether homosexual or heterosexual,” the organization states on its website.
Related Links:
Images from Netherlands’ homosexualist campaign in Chile (Warning: offensive content for adults only)