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New Brunswick Liberal leader Susan HoltSusan Holt/X

(LifeSiteNews) –– To the dismay of pro-family citizens, New Brunswick has elected a staunchly pro-LGBT Liberal government to lead the province.

After the results were tallied on election day Saturday, it was announced that the Liberal Party under its pro-LGBT leader Susan Holt had won 31 seats, surpassing the 25 seats needed to form a majority government. The incumbent Progressive Conservatives under now former premier Blaine Higgs took home just 16 seats, with Higgs himself losing his seat. The Green Party took home two seats. 

Holt had campaigned against Higgs and his government’s pro-family directives, which included banning graphic “sex-education” presentations from schools as well as requiring parental consent for teachers to use different names or pronouns for students under age 16. 

With Holt’s win, all of Higgs’ pro-family measures are likely to be scrapped or repealed.  

While Higgs lost his own riding to Liberal candidate Aaron Kennedy, he noted that he was proud to have stood up for what he “believes” in.  

“We stand for what we believe in, fall for what we believe in, but we don’t lose our conviction,” he told his supporters.  

Holt, who will soon be sworn in as the province’s premier, has a history of targeting pro-family groups and throwing her support beyond radical pro-LGBT positions.

In the lead up to the election, Holt went after Campaign Life Coalition, condemning postcards the pro-life and pro-family group distributed in mail boxes throughout the province that exposed the dangers of the LGBT agenda.

CLC’s postcards had contained factual, scientific information warning voters that the so-called “transitioning” of minors through the use of puberty blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones often cause irreversible harm, including infertility, cardiovascular disease, cancer, brain volume loss and bone brittleness. 

Holt had claimed the material contained “misinformation” without elaborating or explaining how, leading to CLC fact-checking the politician.  

CLC has in the past warned that should Holt win, “She will turn back the clock on parental rights, and forbid teachers from obtaining parental consent before transitioning kids at school.” 

“Minors will be encouraged to impersonate the opposite sex at school and helped in keeping it secret from their mom and dad,” said CLC’s Jack Fonseca to LifeSiteNews.  

New Brunswick’s election was the second provincial election in less than a week in Canada. Last Saturday, voters in British Columbia went to the polls, however, results show the ruling NDP and Conservatives in a virtual dead heat. This has prompted recounts, which will be complete by the end of the week. 

