
Geroges Dumont Hospital MonctonMONCTON, New Brunswick, June 20, 2006 ( – New Brunswick Right to Life has revealed in a press release that Georges Dumont Hospital is about to take up performing abortions after all other hospitals in the province have abandoned the practice.
  Abortions are set to begin at the Dr. Georges Dumont Hospital in Moncton as of July 1, according to a New Brunswick Right to Life Association press release. “What had been a rumour has now been confirmed,” said executive director Peter Ryan.

According to provincial law abortions will only be funded by provincial healthcare if the abortion is performed in a hospital. Last month provincial health minister Brad Green said he had found a doctor at two different hospitals to provide abortions after the end of June. The end of June is when the Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital in Fredericton, currently the last New Brunswick Hospital to perform abortions, will cease performing the procedure. 400 of the 404 hospital abortions last year in the province were carried out at the Chalmers.

“This news is like a bombshell for the Acadian people, with their strongly religious heritage,” said Ryan. “The hospital’s original name was Hotel Dieu – House of God. If the hospital doesn’t want to be called ‘house of death’ now, they’d better change course.” The Acadian birthrate is already very low, Ryan noted. “The last thing they need is to suppress more births. Abortion is genocidal for the Acadian people.”

“Our health care system is supposed to be based on the tradition that has come down from Hippocrates, which says medicine is about saving lives not destroying them,” stated Ryan. “Right now, that ethical anchor is sorely lacking.”

Earlier this month Peter Ryan had said his goal is to see N.B. become the second Canadian province to stop performing all abortions (there are no abortions carried out on Prince Edward Island). “That is my hope, plan and prayer.” He warned, however, that the political leadership in the province is “tilting in the wrong direction.”

New Brunswick is currently fighting an ongoing battle in the courts to keep provincial funding for abortions limited to procedures carried out in hospitals. Infamous Canadian abortionist Henry Morgentaler launched a lawsuit over N.B.‘s refusal to pay for abortions carried out in his Fredericton clinic. The Morgentaler clinic is the only private clinic in the province, performing more than 600 abortions annually.

See related coverage:

All Coat-Hangers Aimed at New Brunswick

Last Abortion-Performing Hospital in New Brunswick to Quit Abortion At the End of June

Abortion Funding for Privately Run Clinics? New Brunswick Says No Way