(LifeSiteNews) – New Brunswick’s new pro-abortion premier says she will change the law in one of her first acts so that kids, including young elementary students, will be able to use whatever pronouns they want to in school and educators won’t be mandated to notify parents of any changes.
Premier Susan Holt said she decided to adopt new rules based on recommendations from LGBT activists and other educators.
Her announcement will reverse the current rules put in place under the conservative government of former Premier Blaine Higgs that require parental consent for teachers to use different names or pronouns for students under age 16. Higgs’ policy also mandated separate change rooms and washrooms for boys and girls based on their biology.
Holt’s agenda thus far is in stark contrast to Higgs, who in September while still in power banned a graphic “sex-education” presentation from schools three days after parental outcry.
Her new rules will mandate that all school staff allow any student in grade six or higher to use whatever pronouns they want without permission from parents.
For kids under grade six, pronoun name changes will be looked at, the Holt government said, on a “case-by-case” basis and will be allowed if educators conclude that the child has the “capacity” to make the name change choice.
It appears that, at least for now, name changes relating to use on official school records will still need parental consent for kids under 16.
As reported by LifeSiteNews, much to the dismay of pro-family citizens, New Brunswick elected the staunchly pro-LGBT and abortion Holt last month.
One of Holt’s first actions was to restore funding for abortions to private clinics that had been removed by Higgs.
‘Shame on you,’ says Canada’s top pro-family and life group
Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) director of political operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews that voters in the province who supported Holt should be “ashamed.”
“Shame on you. Activist teachers will now produce psycho-sexual confusion in the minds of countless children by aggressively pushing in class the un-scientific idea that you can be ‘born in the wrong body,’” he told LifeSiteNews.
“For many of these kids, later in life, this first step down the path of transgenderism will eventually lead to chemical castration, cutting off healthy breasts and other surgical mutilations. When many of them eventually come to regret the permanent and irreversible changes to their bodies, it will result in a dramatically higher rate of death by suicide. How can you Liberal voters sleep at night?”
In the leadup to the election, Holt went after CLC, condemning postcards the pro-life and pro-family group distributed in mailboxes throughout the province that exposed the dangers of the LGBT agenda.
Some provinces, such as Alberta under Premier Danielle Smith, are forging ahead with banning schools from hiding a child’s pronoun changes at school that will help protect kids from the extreme aspects of the LGBT agenda.
Also, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe announced that he will invoke his government’s notwithstanding clause to protect legislation stating that parents must be told if their child “changes” genders at school.