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(LifeSiteNews) — A new documentary sheds light on “stealth euthanasia” taking place in Catholic hospitals across the United States.

The CREDO of the Catholic Laity has released “NO MERCY – The Catholic Culture of Death,” an hourlong documentary detailing the practice of euthanasia in Catholic hospitals despite its contradiction to Church teaching.

“Under the guise of compassionate care, the elderly and the disabled are quite simply being euthanized,” a description of the movie reads. “Critics call the practice ‘stealth euthanasia.’ Industry whistleblowers call it murder.”

“No Mercy – the Catholic Culture of Death is an hourlong documentary that will provide viewers with the shocking reality of the dark side of Catholic health care,” it continued.

In most states, euthanasia, actively ending the life of a patient, remains illegal. However, withdrawing food and water, or “stealth euthanasia” as it’s often called, is legal, allowing hospitals to quietly kill their elderly and vulnerable patients.

Furthermore, euthanasia is strictly forbidden by the Catholic Church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder.”

However, this has not stopped at least two Catholic hospitals from allegedly killing their patients.

The documentary follows the case of Sister Philip Marie, who became a victim of “stealth euthanasia” at Mount Carmel Senior Living in St. Charles, Missouri, despite not being terminally ill, according to close friend Sister Deirdre “Dede” Byrne.

In 2022, Sr. Dede arrived at the hospital to accompany Sr. Philip Marie for a scheduled surgery only to discover that the hospital had assigned Sr. Philip Marie with a hospice nurse and planned to “transition” her.

“I’m a doctor, and I know when there’s good therapy and bad therapy, when someone’s being euthanized,” Sr. Dede revealed.

Sr. Dede worked to stop the narcotic treatments and not “transitioning” Sr. Philip Marie. However, Sr. Dede was unable to receive power of attorney for her friend, making it more difficult to advocate on her behalf.

The nun stressed how Sr. Philip Marie had a chronic illness, crest syndrome, not a terminal illness, but was nevertheless deemed incompetent by two doctors despite her mind being very alert. On April 4, 2022, Sr. Philip Marie passed away.

“As a medical doctor, I can clearly say, ‘she was murdered,'” Sr. Dede continued.

However, Sr. Philip Marie’s story is not unique as stealth euthanasia appears to have taken over even Catholic hospitals.

Another case documented in the film is that of Grace Schara, a teenager with Down syndrome who was hospitalized for COVID. After her death, her family launched a lawsuit against St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.

In 2022, her father revealed that the hospital issued a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order without her or her family’s knowledge or consent. On the day of her death, she was given Precedex, Lorazepam, and Morphine, which are known to cause hypoxia, or low levels of oxygen in body tissues.

