TORONTO, March 20 ( – Canada’s Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) issued a release yesterday with evidence that Dying with Dignity does in fact strongly advocate illegal assisted suicide measures for vulnerable individuals. Controversy has been growing following the discovery by (EPC), of a $177,800 grant by the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), to Dying with Dignity (DWD).
The EPC release states DWD, Canada’s largest organization promoting Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, received a three year grant for the purpose of establishing a counseling program for terminally-ill people. On February 5, 2003 EPC called for an independent inquiry by the Ontario Ministry of Culture into the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s approval of a grant for $177,800 over three years to Dying with Dignity (DWD)for its ‘pilot counseling program in Toronto providing information, support and assistance to terminally ill individuals.’… At the time we had no information concerning the proposed counselling program, we simply were suspicious of their intentions considering the purpose of their organization.”“EPC has done extensive background research, and has uncovered information that seems to indicate that, despite DWD’s strong denials, that their initial suspicions are well founded.” See the full release and the EPC evidence in today’s LifeSite Special Report at