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(LifeSiteNews) — A LifeSite petition calling for the end of LGBT propaganda in the United States Armed Forces attracted over 7,000 signatures in two days.

Launched on Friday, June 3, the new petition calls on US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to stop promoting LGBT propaganda in the military.

Within 2 days, the petition gained more than 7,000 signatures. The launch of the petition was occasioned by the Biden Administration, and big corporations marking “Pride Month.”

The United States Armed Forces have heavily pushed the LGBT agenda within their ranks since Biden reversed Trump’s ban on “transgenders” serving in the military. The Navy and the Air Force have led the way with “diversity panels” and “inclusive” squads.

On April 26, 2021, the US Airforce created the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning Initiative Team (LIT) and the Indigenous Nations Equality Teams (INET)

“The establishment of these two teams builds on the successes of the Department of the Air Force’s other teams and allows the Department of the Air Force to identify and address the issues impacting diversity and inclusion for Airmen and Guardians,” said the Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs.

“The LGBTQ Initiative Team focuses on the LGBTQ community and identifies and works to resolve the issues that disproportionately impede the success of LGBTQ Airmen and Guardians.”

The next month, four Navy helicopter pilots formed an “inclusive” and all “gay” Navy helicopter crew and posted a picture of themselves holding a rainbow flag.


Sharply contrasting with a now internationally known Russian army ad, the recruitment initiatives of the US Armed Forces promote a false notion of “diversity and inclusion” and project an image of the American military as weak and effeminate.

As a consequence, the US Army is poised to shrink to its smallest size since 1940, according to a report by the Military Times. However, the Under Secretary of the Army, Gabe Camarillo, insisted that the troop reduction “from 485,000 Soldiers to 476,000 in FY ’22, and 473,000 in FY ’23” is a “temporary” policy and “not a budget driven decision.”

Two retired generals have been very critical of the direction of the US military, especially with the social engineering propaganda, and they emphasized that it is a contributing factor toward the decline in troop size and morale.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense, reported to Breitbart that there is a “sense among the American public that the military is becoming increasingly political, and that topics such as race and gender equity, critical race theory, and wokeism in general are commanding more attention, at the cost of readiness.”

 In 2021, Lt. General (Ret.) Jerry Boykin of the Family Research Council blasted Biden’s reversal of the military transgender ban. “This has everything to do with President Biden’s LGBT agenda — and nothing to do with military readiness, which should always be the Pentagon’s first consideration,” he said.

The military originally was lauded as an institution than instilled self-discipline and virtue in young people, but now it appears that it is not that anymore and, as a new Gallup poll showed, the only forces that remain a bulwark against the sexual perversions of the time are the ones attending church every Sunday.

