GLASGOW, December 23, 2003 ( – In an interview Sunday, Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien stated clearly the Catholic teaching against homosexual sex. His comments come one week before all parishes in the country will be read a letter designating 2004 as a year of ‘Life and Family’. Cardinal O’Brien said: “It is not Christ’s teaching that if you happen to be homosexual then you can have a partner. It is not Christ’s teaching that if your marriage breaks up, you can go and live with somebody else. Gay unions and these sort of things are becoming commonplace. Where is society going at all? Is there nobody going to take a stand? We’ve had Christianity here for more than 1,500 years and our standards have plummeted in recent years. I think people in general do realise there has been a dramatic fall in standards. What are we going to do? Are we just going to progressively decline into a Bacchanalian state where everyone is just concerned with their own pleasures and to sleep with whoever they want? The future at times does look quite bleak on this.” In a letter to Catholics to be at all masses in Scotland on the weekend of 27/28 Cardinal O’Brien calls on them to support marriage and the family and to build “a culture of life” in Scotland. The letter notes that on February 2, the traditional end of the Christmas season which commemorates the Presentation of Our Lord in the temple, a comprehensive statement on “Marriage and Family Life” will be released to all parishes. A press release notes that some 250,000 leaflets will be circulated. Further, the letter notes that on May 31, the commemoration visit of the pregnant mother of Christ to her cousin Elizabeth, who was also with child, the Catholic Church in Scotland will celebrate a “Day for Life 2004”. For this event a dedicated website together with leaflets, prayer cards and information packs will be sent to every Catholic parish and school in Scotland. See the Scotsman’s report on the interview: See the full text of the Cardinal’s letter:
New Scottish Cardinal Speaks Out on Homosexuality; makes 2004 Year of Life and Family
GLASGOW, December 23, 2003 ( – In an interview Sunday, Scottish Cardinal Keith O’Brien stated clearly the Catholic teaching against homosexual sex. His comments come one week before all parishes in the country will be read a letter designating 2004 as a year of ‘Life and Family’. Cardinal O’Brien said: “It is not Christ’s teaching that if you happen to be homosexual then you can have a partner. It is not Christ’s teaching that if your marriage breaks up, you can go and live with somebody else. Gay unions and these sort of things are becoming commonplace. Where is society […]