By Gudrun Schultz
WASHINGTON, DC, United States, January 9, 2006 ( –The 2005 survey by the Washington-based Latino Coalition reported that 57 percent of the Hispanic community says they are pro-life, and support legislation requiring parental notification for girls under 18 seeking an abortion.
Only 27 percent identified themselves as pro-choice, and 36 percent said they opposed parental notification before an under-age girl can obtain an abortion.
62 percent of the Hispanic community is opposed to gay ‘marriage’, and only 14.5 percent said they would strongly support gay ‘marriage’, according to the survey.
Almost three-quarters of respondents identified themselves as Roman Catholic.
The Latino Coalition (TLC) is an independent organization that works to support development of the Hispanic communities, monitoring public policy that affects the Hispanics at federal, state and local levels, and reporting on the impact of policy and legislation.
“This survey has become the most reliable and accurate study on Hispanic political and consumer behavior in the U.S.,” said TLC President Robert Deposada, in a press release.
The survey, released in Washington Jan. 5, reported the responses of 1,000 adult Hispanics surveyed Dec. 10-13, and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.
To access the National Latino Survey, go to: