WASHINGTON, D.C., February 28, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com)—A leading Catholic political organization has launched a new video and website aimed at protecting religious conscience rights from the HHS contraception and abortifacient mandate.
Catholic Advocate released the video “Consultation” to point out that the Obama administration had not conferred with the nation’s Roman Catholic leadership to determine whether his accommodation would be acceptable to them. However, he discussed the plan with Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.
Part of the video’s purpose is to bring the national discussion back to the salient issue of the First Amendment. “Some are trying hard to make this about a different issue,” said Matt Smith, president of Catholic Advocate.
Richards, NARAL Pro-Choice America President Nancy Keenan, and others claimed that a recent Congressional hearing on religious freedom that featured two pro-life women was really a hearing on the future of contraception attended only by men.
Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, testified before the committee that the president’s accommodation policy “came upon the bishops’ conference of a sudden. There was no consultation. It was not given to us in writing, and it was told to us not long before it was announced.”
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The administration also consulted with Catholic Health Association President Sr. Carol Keehan, who wrote a controversial endorsement of the “accommodation” before President Obama publicly announced its terms on February 10.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, a Catholic, confirmed, “I did not speak with the Catholic bishops.”
Catholic Advocate has simultaneously launched www.ProtectOurConscience.org to encourage faithful Americans to contact their representatives to overturn the mandate. Smith said at least one parish in each congressional district in every state has used the site to make their voices heard in Congress.
“Make no mistake, when those in power try to rip through the fabric of what America stands for, the voices of the people unite,” Smith stated in a comment e-mailed to LifeSiteNews.com. “People of faith across the country are joining together in support of our religious liberties.”
Readers may respectfully contact their elected officials through the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
“Consultation” followed an earlier Catholic Advocate video, “Common Ground,” which contrasted President Obama’s speech at Notre Dame with his actions on crafting a religious conscience exemption.