
NEW YORK, March 19, 2003 ( – Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg yesterday issued legislation to make abortifacient “emergency contraception” (EC) available in the city’s STD clinics and health facilities.  The argument for EC is based on the belief that “unintended pregnancy is a reproductive and public health problem with tremendous impact,” including “maternal death, low birth rate, birth defects, infant death, and social and economic hardship.” The city’s records show that 41% of New York City pregnancies in 2000 “ended in induced abortion”—but that is not described as a “problem.”“Although EC prevents pregnancy, it will not interrupt an already established pregnancy,” the Mayor’s press release claims. In fact, research has found that EC taken within 24 hours prevents pregnancy 43% of the time by destroying a ‘fertilized egg’ (aka embryo), i.e. a human life. Between 24 and 48 hours will do so 57% of the time, and between 48 and 72 hours will do so 71% of the time.

To read the mayor’s press release:   For related coverage:  “EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION” ABORTS BABIES 57% OF THE TIME