November 27, 2017 ( – A Fatima scholar has revealed the existence of a letter written by Fatima seer Sr. Lucia de Jesus dos Santos to Pope Paul VI, in which she warns him of a “diabolical revolt” that is causing a “worldwide disorientation” that is “martyring the Church.”
The letter attributes this “revolt” to “the powers of darkness” and their “errors” against the Catholic faith, comparing the sufferings of the Catholic Church to that of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemene, and speaking of the Church’s “martyrdom.”
The existence of the letter is revealed by Fatima scholar Kevin J. Symonds in an interview published today by Catholic World Report. Symonds says he discovered the letter in the museum operated by the sisters of the Carmelite convent of Coimbra, Portugal, where Sr. Lúcia spent the last years of her life, and that he received permission from the sisters to publicly reveal its contents.
“In her letter, Sr. Lúcia spoke about a ‘diabolical revolt’ that was being ‘promoted by the powers of darkness’ with ‘errors’ being made against God, His Church, her doctrines and dogmas,” Symonds told Catholic World Report. “She said the Church was going through an ‘agony in Gethsemane’ and that there was a ‘worldwide disorientation that is martyring the Church.’ She wrote to encourage Paul VI as the Vicar of Christ on earth and to tell him of her and others’ steadfastness to him, to Christ and His Church in the midst of the revolt.”
Symonds notes that the letter seems to be making references to elements that are found in both the second and third parts of the “secret of Fatima” that was revealed to Lucia in 1917.
“Perhaps I am biased, having studied the third part of the secret, but I was struck by how similar Sr. Lúcia’s discourse appeared to the second and third parts,” Symonds says, noting that Lucia’s references to “the Church’s ‘agony in Gethsemane’ and its martyrdom by a ‘worldwide disorientation’ seemed similar to the third part of the secret which portrays a global martyrdom of the Church while making its way to a cross.”
“What causes this martyrdom?” asked Symonds. “In the second part of the secret, Our Lady warned about the spread of Russia’s ‘errors.’ Those errors caused exactly what Our Lady predicted: wars, persecutions of the Church and suffering for the Holy Father that were brought on by Communism and its enforcing atheism through revolution.”
“In June, 1958, Sr. Lúcia wrote to Pope Pius XII and told him that Communism would reach its zenith in the 1960s,” added Symonds. “The errors of Communism did infect the world, leading people to revolt against God and all that is holy. Therefore, those who are faithful to Jesus Christ in the midst of the revolt undergo a martyrdom.”
However, Symonds acknowledges that this connection is somewhat speculative on his part, and states that “It would be irresponsible for me or anyone else to state with certitude to the public that Sr. Lúcia made use of the third part in this letter.” He notes that it is sometimes difficult to know when Sr. Lucia is writing her own thoughts or is referring to statements that she received in visions.
Symonds says that he was only able to see the first page of the letter, which was undated. He is unaware of the contents of the second page.
The text of the second part of the “secret of Fatima” entrusted to Lucia in 1917 and written down by her in 1944, calls for the consecration of Russia and the reception of a “communion of reparation” on the first Saturdays of five successive months, warning that if her requests are not heeded, “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.”
In a 1982 letter to Pope John Paul II, Sr. Lucia stated that the third part of the secret, which depicts a massacre of Catholic clergy and laity ascending a hill, was explained by the second part, stating that “the third part of the secret refers to Our Lady's words: ‘If not [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated' (13-VII-1917).”