The last week or so has been an exceptional time in the news and for us at LifeSiteNews.
I sadly had to say goodbye to my 87-year old father, John Jalsevac Sr., last Tuesday as he lost a long battle against Parkinson’s Disease that evening. And editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen flew to Kerala, India Saturday to be with his mother who suddenly became gravely ill. He will be there for two weeks.
In the news, the Planned Parenthood thuggery against Komen for the Cure for daring to stop funding it has been an ongoing, huge story. PP is lashing out against the growing momentum to expose the beast for what it really is.
President Obama is mocking Christianity more than ever.
Doug Kmiec’s withdrawal of support from President Obama is a long overdue and significant development. Like Komen, we can imagine the consequences he will encounter for stepping out of line with the anti-life mafia.
Matthew Hoffman’s excellent report with many new revelations about the Lisa Miller story is a heart-rending must read LifeSiteNews story.
Steve Jalsevac