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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
Use of graphic pictures not optional by Fletcher Armstrong, PhD
In spite of all the evidence that pictures win hearts, change minds, and save lives, some of our pro-life friends not only won’t use them, they actively encourage others to reject their use. In her new book Unplanned, former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson credited an ultrasound image of a tiny, mangled abortion victim with “shaking the foundation of [her] values and changing the course of [her] life.” Many others have told us similar stories.
Dr. Alveda King said, “As a woman who has had two abortions, I am grateful that the truth is being shown, so that others can avoid this pain in the first place.” They say pictures just make people angry. Yes, they do. Dr. Martin Luther King said if you don’t create discomfort with the status quo, there is no pressure for change. Dr. King’s letter from the Birmingham Jail remains the very best defense of graphic pictures. No social reform movement has ever ended injustice by covering it up. Neither will we.
Reflections on Pro-Life President Ronald Reagan on the 100th Anniversary of his Birth – NRLC
For pro-lifers of a certain age, President Ronald Reagan will always be first in our hearts. It is possible to exaggerate his pro-life accomplishments, although that would be difficult. But it would impossible to overstate the extent to which our 40th President altered the trajectory of the abortion discussion.
What is often under-appreciated is how keen was the President’s peripheral vision. He clearly saw that if the abortion ethos was not contained, it inextricably would seek out new categories of victims. To the left, the very young, born less than perfect. To the right the medically dependent elderly.
Death by Lethal Injection: Abortion Scheme Puts Women at Risk – American United for Life
Notorious abortionist, James Pendergraft, now performs a new method of late-term abortion in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. The procedure is called a “fetal intra-cardiac injection.” Using a sonogram, the abortionist guides a spinal nettle through the woman’s abdomen into the unborn child’s heart and injects poison or air to stop the baby’s heart from beating. Once the abortionist kills the baby, he leaves the woman on her own to visit her personal doctor or a hospital emergency room to have the now-dead child delivered.
Blood money: the economics of the abortion industry
Priest Unveils Catholic Healthcare Grants Given To Support Abortion
The coming Canadian election, Stephen Harper and pro-life By Fr. Alphonse de Valk
In Canada, politically speaking, pro-lifers are between a rock and a hard place. We have no political leaders in office, no political party in Parliament and no power-brokers who champion our cause, decent and honourable as that is. We are orphans in every sense.
We defend the right and dignity of life of all human beings, including the unborn, the elderly, the poor, women, parents and families, but government ignores us. Of the four political parties, three are pro-abortion by constitution and principle and the fourth, the Conservatives, by decision of its leader.