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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
Militant Islam is winning by Fr. Raymond J. de Souza
Violent jihadis massacre Christians at prayer in a church. The universal pastor of the Church expresses solidarity with the fresh martyrs and calls upon Egypt’s government to protect its own citizens at prayer, a position surely shared by the Egyptian government. The response is that both mosque and state suspend relations with the Holy See, as if the Church was the aggressor. It is a madness only made comprehensible by fear. The moderates, such as they are in Egypt, are deathly afraid of the militants. And well they should, for the militants are on the rise.
“Democratic” Egypt Sends Apostates to Their Death – by Sandro Magister
The Egyptians in revolt are asking for more freedom, but they also want the death penalty for those who convert from Islam to another religion. A major survey on the most populous Muslim country of northern Africa and the Middle East.
In the Midst of the Egyptian Upheaval: The Elephants in the Room – American Thinker
Muslim Brotherhood: ‘Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel’ – Jerusalem Post
Muhammad Ghannem reportedly told Al- Alam that the Suez Canal should be closed immediately, and that the flow of gas from Egypt to Israel should cease “in order to bring about the downfall of the Mubarak regime.” He added that “the people should be prepared for War against Israel,” saying the world should understand that “the Egyptian people are prepared for anything to get rid of this regime.”
U.S. ‘held secret meeting with Muslim Brotherhood’ – WorldNetDaily
Discussed fall of Egypt with group dedicated to Islam’s global spread
Implications of a Muslim Brotherhood victory: in its own words – Speroforum
Muslim Brotherhood leader, Muhammad Badi, says that the US is on the verge of collapse, inter alia. He calls for the Koran to serve as the constitution of all Muslim-majority countries. Badi’ has repeatedly called on Muslim leaders to encourage and support jihad, which he considers a duty incumbent on Muslims and the only path to restoring the Muslim ummah to its former glory.
Bangladesh: 15-year-old girl dies during punishment straight out of the Qur’an
14-year-old rape victim whipped to death as a result of fatwah – Daily Star
The High Court yesterday ordered district officials in Shariatpur to explain why they failed to protect 14-year-old rape victim Hena from being whipped to death as per a fatwa on Monday. The reports said Hena was raped by her 40-year-old relative Mahbub on Sunday. Next day, a fatwa was announced at a village arbitration that she must be given 100 lashes. She fell unconscious after nearly 80 lashes. Fatally injured Hena was rushed to Naria health complex where she succumbed to her injuries.
“Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is Islamic law. There are people who call it inhuman, but in doing so, they insult the prophet”
Muslims Attack Two Christian Families in Egypt, 11 Killed
News of a massacre of two Christian Coptic families by Islamists just emerged from Upper Egypt with the return of the Internet connections after a week of Internet blackout by the Egyptian regime. Two Islamists groups, aided by the Muslim neighbors, descended on the roof of houses owned by Copts, killing eleven Copts, including children, and seriously injuring four others.
Pakistan: Muslims burn the Christian cross and effigies of Pope Benedict
According to the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA), a human rights advocacy organization, this happened on January 30 during the protest in Lahore by more than 40,000 Islamic militants. The Islamists condemned any amendment to the blasphemy law, and fiercely opposed the liberation of Asia Bibi – a Christian woman sentenced to death on charges of blasphemy. The protesters also condemned the Pope and the United States.
Local sources note that the same Islamic radicals who defend the name and the honor of the Mohammed against every person or act considered “blasphemous” did not hesitate to insult and give offence to the symbols of the Christian religion, such as the cross of Jesus Christ and the Pope.
Radical Imam’s Frightening Prediction Part 1 – Fox News
Cleric says Sharia law coming to America
Radical Imam’s Frightening Prediction Part 2 – Fox News
Cleric says Sharia law coming to America
World Muslim population doubling, report projects – CNN
Twenty years ago, the world had about 1.1 billion Muslims. Twenty years from now, it will have about twice as many – and they’ll represent more than a quarter of all people on earth, according to a new study. That’s a rise from less than 20 percent in 1990.
Pakistan will overtake Indonesia as home of the largest number of Muslims, as its population pushes over 256 million, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life projects.
Afghanistan’s population will nearly double, to about 50.5 million, making it home to the ninth largest Muslim population in the world.
Iran, on the other hand, will see very slow growth. Iranian women have among the fewest children of anyone in the Muslim world. They use birth control at exactly the same rate as American women, 73 percent. “There is nothing in these numbers to indicate that in 2030 there would be more Muslims that Christians,” Cooperman said. In fact, both Christianity and Islam could be growing, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of the whole, he pointed out.
If there are any ‘moderate Muslims’ around, let’s hear from them By William Oddie
Canada: ‘Human Rights’ Tribunal orders woman’s house seized after she said Muslim employee’s lunch smelled bad
Time to stop Muslim immigration to U.S. before it’s too late – Renew America
Danish journalist Lars Hedegaard is facing a prison sentence for correctly observing in 2009 that child rape and domestic violence occur at disturbingly high levels in Muslim families. Speaking from the heritage of a Christian worldview, he naturally says that’s bad. The thought police have been on him like white on rice since then. A Danish politician, Jesper Langbelle, was found guilty last month of hate speech for observing, again correctly, that honor killings and sexual abuse take place in far too many Muslim families.