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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
Video Shows Joint Chiefs’ Grim Reaction to Obama Plan for Homosexuals in the Military
GOP House can stop DADT repeal dead in its tracks: defund RIT By Bryan Fischer AFA
I’m in receipt of a copy of the official memorandum from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on implementation of the law repealing DADT, the newly enacted law that will normalize sexual deviancy in every branch of the military.
What jumped out at me as I read through it is that there is a way for the House to stop repeal in its tracks: simply defund the Repeal Implementation Team (RIT). …the House Republicans can stop this disastrous repeal in its tracks by refusing to appropriate the gargantuan budget the RIT is going to require to jam this deviancy policy down the throats of the entire military.
The 40-Percent President: Obama’s Cruise to Reelection – Paul Kengor
President Barack Obama does not dip below 40-percent approval. Period. That is very bad news for conservatives who want him to be a one-term president. It frustrates me when I hear conservative talk show hosts (Sean Hannity especially) shouting, “Obama’s approval is dropping like a rock!” Each time I’ve heard that, I’ve paused patiently to listen for the information that followed, only to discover that the president’s numbers weren’t dropping, or were barely dropping, and never below the 40-percent range. In short, Obama can do practically anything, including worsen an already awful economy, generate unimaginable debts, and retain a lock on a significant portion of the electorate.
Video: Warnings About 2012 – Stanley Kurtz
Obama Stands by Muslim Brotherhood Endorsement
For the first time, a U.S. government supports granting a government role to an extremist Islamic organization: the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the Muslim Brotherhood must reject violence and recognize democratic goals for the U.S. to be comfortable with it assuming a role in the new government. George W. Bush pushed Mubarak for democratic reforms but never publicly accepted a role for Islamists.
Health care may be high-court nail-biter – Politico
Monday’s federal court decision striking down the Democrats’ health care reform law is just Act I in a long legal drama — and nobody knows how it will end. The suspense is killing both sides. It’s the kind of case the Supreme Court would rather not touch. In most cases this politically explosive, the justices might look for any technical reason to bounce it back to the lower courts. But now, they may not have a choice.
Rush Limbaugh: ‘We have an increasingly lawless president’ – WorldNetDaily
Radio host Rush Limbaugh is warning that the Obama administration might continue to force implementation of its health-care law that was ruled unconstitutional yesterday, saying, “We have an increasingly lawless president.”
The Darkening Skies over Obamacare By James C. Capretta
Since its passage, Obamacare has rested on shaky ground, owing to the heavy-handed tactics used to jam it through Congress against the wishes of a majority of the electorate. But now, after the Florida court decision and the vote in the Senate on repeal, Obamacare is more vulnerable than ever—politically, legally, and operationally.
The battle lines in the Senate have now been drawn more clearly. Twenty-three of the 33 Senate seats up for grabs in 2012 are currently held by senators who caucus with the Democrats. If these senators run for reelection, their opponents are certain to pin tonight’s vote on them early and often.
Catholic Health Association seeks to join FL lawsuit … in support of Obamacare
Abercombie admits there are no Obama birth records in Hawaii
Abercrombie Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In HawaiiCelebrity Journalist: I Never Spoke to Hawaii Gov About Obama Birth Certificate