
* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of They are presented only for your information.

Compiled by Steve Jalsevac

Despite media hype, most courts and voters have rejected so-called “right to same sex marriage”

MassResistance helps prepare Maryland activists for “gay marriage” public hearing in State Senate.
MassResistance continues its reach into states where help is needed.

Is there anyone left to defend traditional marriage? – Pravda
The European Court of Human Rights has been trying, for some time, to force homosexuality on all union members. In the West children as young as 5 years old – who have no knowledge of sex – are being brainwashed in schools to accept the perversion of homosexual acts as being normal and praiseworthy.

There is a lot of misinformation and a distortion of facts disseminated by the press today about homosexuality. The Western media often portrays the homosexual lifestyle and relationships as happy, healthy, and stable. On the contrary there are very high rates of sexual promiscuity among the homosexual population with short duration of even “committed” relationships. Homosexuals also have very high rates of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV.

City leaders push through special rights for homosexuals

In a 3-to-2 vote on Tuesday night, city commissioners awarded Manhattan – a Kansas college town – the broadest special protections of any community in the nation for homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgenders.
a Kansas college town

Owner of New England Patriots to be keynote speaker at corporate “LGBT Networking Session” in Boston.
Arrogantly thumbing nose at pro-family fans

What Will GOProud Bring to the Conservative Table?
– American Thinker
GOProud, it ought to be noted, by numbers, represents a tiny sliver of the conservative base.  Social conservatives – especially Christians and religiously conservative Jews – account for a large majority of the conservative base.  So, attempting to shame the majority of the base is probably not a pragmatic approach to the problem. If the CPAC leaders had thought this issue through and made GOProud’s participation – not just as attendees, but as sponsors – dependent uponactual compromise, then perhaps all of this brouhaha could have been avoided.

Palin: stance on GOProud, CPAC raises pro-family questions
With regard to CPAC, Ms. Palin told David Brody of CBN that having representatives of the deviancy cabal sitting at the table and helping to choose speakers is just fine. She said it’s an example of “conservatives…reach(ing) out to others” and that GOProud’s participation is needed to “provide good information and balance, and…allow for healthy debate.”

But unfortunately, GOProud isn’t being invited to participate in a panel discussion over whether homosexual behavior is benign or a menace to human and social health. That would be one thing. They (GOProuders) instead are official participants, and thus granted license by organizers to use CPAC as a venue to promote their dangerous sexual agenda.

Does Sarah Palin support a gay GOP group?