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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
West cannot understand risk of ‘Islamization,’ Iraqi archbishop warns – CNA
The secular western world is incapable of fully understanding the threat of a “reawakening of Islam” in the Middle East, according to an Iraqi bishop beset by radical movements in his own archdiocese. Archbishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk, Iraq, called the Middle East a “scary volcano” because of the possible consequences of widespread unrest.
“There are Islamic forces and movements that wish to change the Middle East, creating Islamic States, caliphates, in which Shariah (law) rules,” he warned. He explained that politics and religion are interwoven in the Middle East, whereas there is “a tremendous void” between them in western nations.
This results in two extremisms, he said. The Middle Eastern mentality is dominated by Islam, while a secularism that denies its Christian roots and relegates Christian values to the private sphere reigns in the West.
Central Java: Muslims attack three churches, orphanage, Christian centre – Asia News
Nicolas Sarkozy declares multiculturalism had failed – Telegraph
French president Nicolas Sarkozy on Thursday declared that multiculturalism had failed, joining a growing number of world leaders or ex-leaders who have condemned it. “We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him,” he said.
The Lights Are Going Out All Over Europe – FrontPage Magazine
All over Europe multicultural elites are waging total war against their populations. Their goal is to continue the strategy of mass-immigration, which will ultimately result in an islamic Europe – a Europe without freedom: Eurabia. Anyone who thinks or speaks individually is at risk. Freedom loving citizens who criticize islam, or even merely suggest that there is a relationship between islam and crime or honour killing, must suffer and are threatened or criminalized.
In Egypt, young people are changing Islam, separating religion and politics – Asia News
Young people reject both the military dictatorship and the Islamic republic, they want a modern state that guarantees full citizenship to all, Christians or Muslims. Proof of this is that since 25 January, when the demonstrations began, police have removed security details from Christian churches and there have been no attacks.
Michigan Christian teen fights conviction for videotaping a mostly Muslim festival
Twelve-year-old suicide bomber kills 31 in Pakistan
A 12-year-old boy dressed in school uniform blew himself up killing 31 army recruits in north-west Pakistan.
Islam, Human Rights & The Iranian Regime’s Killing Spree By Reza Kahlili
Western politicians should know that negotiations with those who so mercilessly kill for Allah will not result in future world peace. Iranian leaders literally take it from the Quran to deceive their enemies until such time that they are strong enough to destroy them.
The Truth About Mohammad – Gloria TV
The “prophet” Mohammad had convenient “revelations” that fit into what he planned to act upon. Mr. Spencer is quite knowledgeable not only on the Catholic faith but Islam. He’s written around 9 or more books and a couple were on the NY Times Bestseller list
Lawlessness spreads in N. Sinai as Hamas transfers al Qaeda cells – debka
military sources note that no one needs a crystal ball to see the terror and lawlessness closing in on Israel from its border with Sinai.
Senior cleric at one of Britain’s largest mosques threatens to sue over prime minister’s remarks on Islamic “extremism”