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Complied by Steve Jalsevac
Video: Miss USA Molested By TSA – Gloria TV
Symbolic of the TSA molesting the USA as a whole don’t you think? The TSA is now an agency with a license to molest. The TSA prefers to molest small children, the elderly, attractive women and gay men. TSA agents like to frisk attractive males all the while waving islamic people through security without a check – (we wouldn’t want to offend people who actually are of the religion that promotes terrorism would we?)
TSA Forces 95-year-old Woman to Remove Diaper – KTLA Los Angeles
The cancer-stricken woman had a ‘wet and firm’ diaper.
Congressman On Recent Flight: TSA Patted Down Child, Little Old Lady; Ignored Man In Arab Garb – Real Clear Politics
TSA stands by officers after pat-down of elderly woman in Florida – CNN
TSA Thug Grabs Crotch of Wounded Vet – Prisoner Planet
Airports need to act now by kicking out the TSA and replacing them with private security. But it’s not just airports that are being manned by this cadre of cretins – sports stadiums, prom nights, highways, bus terminals and train stations are all being patrolled by this literal occupying army that is turning America into a checkpoint-festooned police state.
Rage Against the TSA Machine: Why have we outlawed simple human judgment? – National Review
It seems the first commandment of the TSA is that every mind must be trained in the likeness of a machine. One reason is we’ve institutionalized an irrational phobia against anything smacking of racial or religious profiling.
TSA conducting security exercise – Marietta Times
TSA “Security Exercise” Covers 3 States, 5000 Miles – Info Wars
If you’re still living under the delusion that the TSA is just restricted to airports then think again. A joint VIPR “security exercise” involving military personnel has Transportation Security Administration workers covering 5,000 miles and three states, illustrating once again how the TSA is turning into a literal occupying army for domestic repression in America. The exercise will utilize multiple airborne assets, including Blackhawk helicopters and fixed wing aircraft as well as waterborne and surface teams,” reports the Marietta Times.
Financial Terrorism: TSA Holds Texas Flights Hostage – Info Wars
An astounding Department of Justice threat to cancel airline flights to and from Texas, in addition to underhanded lobbying by TSA representatives, has killed efforts in the state to pass HB 1937, a bill that would have made invasive pat downs by TSA agents a felony.
Perry adds anti-groping bill to special session
Gov. Rick Perry announced he had added legislation that would make it illegal for TSA agents to engage in “intrusive touching” at airports security checkpoints without probable cause to the list of items for the legislature to consider during the special session. The measure had previously failed to pass in the Texas Senate after the Justice Department wrote a scathing memo against the bill that threatened legal action against the state and the bill became enmeshed in Senate politics.
Texas House, Senate approve reworked bills over airport pat-downs – Star
The Senate passed its own watered-down version of the bill Monday night. The measure now goes back to the House for another vote today. Scores of former supporters staged a noisy protest inside the Capitol to denounce the changes. Austin radio talk show host Alex Jones, who led the rally, said the changes “completely gutted” the bill.
See Previous NewsBytes on this issue:
NewsBytes, Dec. 13 – TSA air passenger screening humiliations
Newsbytes Jan 1 – Global Warming, Economic Crisis, TSA Abuse