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Complied by Steve Jalsevac
Writer urges Internet junkies to ‘switch off’ and think – Breitbart
Like tens of millions of others, US technology writer Nicholas Carr found the lure of the worldwide web hard to resist—until he noticed it was getting harder and harder to concentrate. Carr said it encourages quick shifts in focus—and discourages sustained attention and the ability to think deeply and creatively about one topic and to challenge conventional wisdom. “We take in so much information so quickly that we are in a constant state of cognitive overload,” Carr argued.
Why the Internet Will Make the World More Pro-Life by Jennifer Fulwiler
Here’s why:
1. Pregnant women feel less alone
2. Widespread knowledge about fetal development
3. More information about the abortion industry
4. More information about each side of the debate
5. It’s easier to find alternatives to abortion
Archbishop Celli on the blogger convention L’Osservatore Romano
Facebook fatigue sets in for 100,000 Brits: Users bored with site deactivate accounts amid privacy fears – Daily Mail
Facebook loses 1.5 million users in Canada – Global News
Facebook Lost U.S. Users Last Month – Fox NY
The United States lost nearly six million users in May
Can’t ban violent video sales to kids, court says – Yahoo News
States cannot ban the sale or rental of ultraviolent video games to children, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, rejecting such limits as a violation of young people’s First Amendment rights and leaving it up to parents and the multibillion-dollar gaming industry to decide what kids can buy.
China’s Cyberassault on America -Wall Street Journal
If we discovered Chinese explosives laid throughout our national electrical system, we’d consider it an act of war. China’s digital bombs pose as grave a threat.
Since defensive measures such as antivirus software and firewalls appear unable to stop the Chinese penetrations, does the administration have any plan to address these cyberattacks? In private, U.S. officials admit that the government has no strategy to stop the Chinese cyberassault.
Richard Clarke: China is Planting Digital Bombs Throughout the U.S. Power Grid
The U.S. government is doing little to protect American interests from cyber threats, claims Clarke in an op-ed