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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
Former Defense Dept. Official: NYT Has ‘Deep-Seated Anti-Catholic Bigotry’ – Newsbusters
“The state has no right to interfere” – Archbishop Chaput
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Denver has warned Catholic social workers against the danger of Church institutions losing their religious identity amidst increasing hostility from the government and society. “The more that Catholic universities or hospitals mute their religious identity; the more that Catholic social ministries weaken their religious character… the less useful to the Gospel they become,” he said.
Cardinal Marc Ouellet: Being Pope “Would Be a Nightmare” – Whispers on the Loggia
the media-friendly cardinal-prefect has gone on the record to address speculation of his odds in a potential Conclave, saying that, for him, being Pope “would be a nightmare.” In front-page-inducing (left) comments to Quebec journalists in Rome to cover yesterday’s reception of the pallium by his successor, the New England-bred Archbishop Gerald Lacroix, Ouellet said that while “you can’t keep the world from dreaming things up,” seeing Benedict’s workload at close range makes the prospect of the papacy “not very enviable.” “It is a crushing responsibility,” the cardinal mused. “It’s the kind of thing you don’t campaign for.”
The Decline of Faith By Tom Bethell – American Spectator
It should be clear by now that the theological liberalism that has dominated our age undermines religious faith, much as secular liberalism, intended to improve society, will end up bankrupting it. The Catholic Church has likewise declined, and the sex abuse scandal is only partly to blame. But the senior archbishops in the U.S. remain cowed-intimidated by the zeitgeist. (The younger bishops tend to be much better, however.)These bishops have been trained to believe that all problems must be addressed by diplomacy, and their faith has turned into a watery thing.
The Buck Stops With The Bishops…Not With Development & Peace – Socon or Bust
Cudos to Archbishop Prendergast for finally bringing the hammer down on the pseudo-Catholics at Development & Peace. But to be brutally honest, that hammer should have been dropped years ago when this scandal first broke.
What the Pope Fears by Dr. Robert Moynihan
John Paul II in his time and Benedict now, are crying out to the world: “Return to meaning, return to reason, return to true science — return, yes, to Christ, the true man, who is logos incarnate,” in order to avoid tragedy, cruelty, bloodshed, and the hopelessness of life without logos, without meaning.
Pope: If man abandons God, he becomes a slave to the totalitarianism and idolatries of our time – Asia News
Theologian once disciplined by Archbishop Dolan now claims it is Dolan who ‘betrays Catholic teaching’ – CatholicVote
More Cracks in the Golden Dome – National Review
The University of Notre Dame’s ongoing confusions
Pro-birth control Filipino Catholics continue campaigning despite bitter opposition from bishops
Diocese of Phoenix to list abusive clergymen on website
The Battle for God: Cardinal Pell By Michael Gilchrist, Catholic World Report
Catholics and other Christians need to resist the push by Greens and other like-minded people to expel religious figures and religious arguments from public discussion. We need to battle for God as the basis of our way of life—using rational argument, natural law, rather than appealing to the Scriptures.
The Failure of Liberal Catholicism By James Hitchcock
After decades conservative Catholics have at last received a sympathetic hearing from some bishops, but liberals have an almost reflexive reaction against hierarchical authority, with every issue immediately defined as the “interference” by that hierarchy in the life of the Church.
In the end, modern liberalism—both secular and religious—has to do with control in the name of freedom. The bitterness that now suffuses the once-optimistic liberal movement is a belated awareness that—at least in the Catholic Church—that program has failed.
Aquino ‘ not worthy’ to be president, faces ouster – Butuan bishop
Critic of Boehner’s Catholic credibility faces tough questions of his own – CNA
The lead author of a letter criticizing House Speaker John Boehner on “matters of faith and morals” says the letter was a bid for dialogue, not a political stunt. But Dr. Stephen Schneck’s own critics say he promotes a distorted version of Catholic social teaching.
Republican candidates must ‘ignite’ Catholics on life and marriage, Hudson says – CNA
Ontario’s school battle, continued – Catholic Insight
There seems to be an almost unbelievable naiveté about the real purpose of Ontario’s current Equity and Equality school policy. This naiveté is widespread among a) trustees, b) parents and Catholics in general and c) among bishops. In general Catholics are unfamiliar with the culture of the homosexual lifestyle. From 2003 – 2005, some 30 or so English-Canadian bishops issued pastoral letters about sacramental marriage. I have 26 of them in my files. The remarkable characteristic of these letters are that not a single one mentioned the reason for their appearance. There is not a mention in any of them of the ongoing agitation for Canadian law to recognize so-called same-sex “marriage.”
Mugabe’s communion angers Africa – Vatican Insider
On May 1, images from the beatification of John Paul II and the mass celebrated by Benedict XVI were beamed around the world from St. Peter’s Square. The images of Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe (the former Rhodesia), receiving communion were particularly hard for some catholics in Africa to stomach.
The New York Times and The Church – RealCatholicTV
Father John O’Connor Sounded Satanist Alarm