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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
Rule of Lawlessness By John H. Fund – American Spectator
Is the Age of Obama ushering in an Era of Thuggery by his left-wing supporters?
“Obama embraced many of Alinsky’s tactics and recently said his years as an organizer gave him the best education of his life.” Alinsky, who died in 1971, was known for his belief that revolutionaries must stir up the downtrodden to become angry enough at their condition to demand its betterment.
The Mendacity of Barack Obama By Steve McCann
…after the speech the president delivered the 13th of April regarding the federal budget, one that was chock full of lies, deceit, and crass fear-mongering, it must be said that Barack Obama is the most dishonest, deceitful, and mendacious person in a position of power I have ever witnessed.
Barack Obama is a Bad Man By Jay Clarke
When he first entered the national political arena, I thought Barack Obama was a sincere man, mistaken in his political beliefs, but an honest advocate of them. Today, like millions of Americans, my evaluation of Barack Obama would be quite different.
The Man Who Would Be King By John Griffing
America is in a constitutional crisis. A sitting president consistently exercises power not granted to him by the U.S. Constitution, and he does so capriciously
The man who makes war without the approval of elected legislators is no longer a president, but a king
Rubio Blasts Obama: ‘Left-Wing Strong Man’ – National Review
“Three years into his presidency, he is a failed president,” he says. “He just has not done a good job. Life in America today, by every measure, is worse than it was when he took over.” “When does it start to get better?” Rubio asks. “When does the magic of this president start to happen?”
Senator Rubio: I’d Expect Obama’s “Class Warfare” Rhetoric From A 3rd World Leader – Townhall
Mainstream media covers up horrifying Obama mistake By: Michael Barone
…he said that SFC Jared Monti was “the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.” Alas, he was mistaken. He awarded the Medal of Honor to Jared Monti posthumously in 2009 and awarded the Medal of Honor in person to SSG Sal Giunta in person in 2011.
Obama’s Record Fundraising Comes Under Legal Scrutiny – Newsmax
…it also is drawing scrutiny from those who object that some of Obama’s fundraising techniques are questionable, and possibly even illegal. “A $75 million second quarter would be unprecedented and would suggest he is heading inexorably toward [raising] $1 billion,” Democratic pollster, author and Fox News contributor Doug Schoen tells Newsmax. “The economy may be weakening, but his finances for the campaign are only strengthening. That spells bad news for Republicans, who are having serious problems raising money.”
Obama’s Declaration of Dependence – Mark Steyn
The self-reliant citizenry is history.
Google denies special deal for Obama – Christian Post
Obama appointee blocks Indiana from defunding Planned Parenthood – Jill Stanek
Obama’s Co-Chair Concurs: We Face Most Predictable Economic Crisis in History In About 2 Years – CNS
Gallup: In No Month of Obama Presidency Has Majority Believed Economy Improving – CNS
Saturday Night Funny Video: ‘ObamaCare,’ ‘ObamaCare,’ ‘ObamaCare,’ ‘ObamaCare,’ Then Herman Cain… – Newsbusters
No Reason for Panic on Health Law – National Review
Politico’s Jennifer Haberkorn, noted that “the 6th Circuit is the first of three appeals panels expected to issue rulings on the law this summer.” We will know more after the other rulings later this summer, and the real resolution on this will not come until we hear from the Supreme Court.
On Medicare, Go on Offense By Stanley Kurtz
The GOP has already won the public battle on Obamacare. It would be madness to throw that victory away.