The unheralded gains of the pro-life movement – By Fred Barnes
After 7 billion
Demographic denialists are ignoring the perils of an ageing population.
More Evidence Raped Children in Kansas Were Ignored
In an effort to save her medical license, last week, Dr. Kristin Neuhaus granted the Lawrence Journal World in exclusive interview. The resulting article primarily focuses on Neuhaus’ concerns about her safety. Neuhaus’ statements in the article, however, again highlight how Dr. Tiller and Neuhaus refused to report child sexual abuse.
John Cutler supported IPPF
Population Control was the passion of John C. Cutler author of controversial Guatemala syphilis study, the US now apologizes for.
Rush on Cain’s Alleged Sexual HarassmentBy Nathaniel Botwinick – National Review
Mr. Cain’s in the Spotlight By Kathryn Jean Lopez – National Review
Desperate Churchmice by George Weigel – National Review
The world assumes that a statement released by a Vatican agency at a press conference in the Vatican must have been thoroughly vetted throughout the various layers of the Curia. But that in fact cannot be assumed, and in the case of the Justice and Peace Note it should not be assumed.
Why the desperation? The progressives are losing; they know it, at some level; and because the idea of losing is inconceivable to those who have long imagined themselves on the right side of both political and ecclesiastical history, they tell themselves, and the rest of us, increasingly bizarre tales
A Catholic prelate finds himself in the party of Galileo and against the consensus of true believers on climate change –
Recently, Australian prelate Cardinal George Pell rang the changes on the belief versus science theme in a lecture delivered at the 2011 Global Warming Policy Annual Forum, Westminster Cathedral Hall, London.
Global warming is over, says expert London Express
When Prof Curry heard that Prof Muller was saying that the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) findings would put an end to climate change scepticism for good she was horrified. “This isn’t the end of scepticism,” she exclaimed. “To say that is the biggest mistake he has made. When I saw he was saying that I just thought, ‘Oh my God.’”
Common threads between Islam and Mormonism by Dr. Michael Youssef – OneNewsNow
This was the week that European democracy died – Telegraph
The plan to tackle the eurozone crisis will only render ordinary people more power
Slouching toward the 1930s By Monty Pelerin – American Thinker
The current economic crisis rivals the one of the 1930s. Despite shameless propaganda by government and its cronies in the media, people understand that the situation is getting worse. Consumer confidence continues to decline as does confidence in the future. We are headed for an event that history will record as worse than the Great Depression. It is unavoidable. Our best outcome is a Depression tomorrow. Better sooner than later.
Obama now accused of destroying U.S. economy … on purpose! – Worldnetdaily
President, Dems accused of deliberately overloading country’s financial system