* Disclaimer: The linked items below or the websites at which they are located do not necessarily represent the views of LifeSiteNews.com. They are presented only for your information.
Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
The Day Mother Teresa Put a Communist In His Place
Vatican bishop calls for sustainable energy, Tobin Tax at Caritas meeting
He also urged the use of more sustainable energy sources rather than coal, oil or nuclear power.
Archbishop Dolan tells US bishops he was impressed with Obama during meeting – Whispers in Loggia
Whispers in the logia noted it was interesting that Dolan’s Presidential Address included no references to religious freedom/calls for conscience protections.
– Dolan talks of NY outreach to gay community – “if you feel like some of your rights being violated (visitation, etc),” church would fight for those… but can’t compromise on nature of marriage
– “I did have the privilege of being invited to the Oval Office to meet the President…”
– “extraordinarily friendly, very candid—areas of agreement and disagreement”
– “I found POTUS to be very open to concerns of Catholic community… very sensitive, aware, assured me this was something he’d look long and hard at, and I felt more at peace than when I entered.”
Too Much Confusion. Bertone Puts the Curia Under Lock and Key by Sandro Magister
The document of “Iustitia et Pax” on the global financial crisis is blasted with criticism. The secretary of state disowns it. “L’Osservatore Romano” tears it to shreds. From now on, any new Vatican text will have to be authorized in advance by the cardinal
Church is not a social organization, Pope reminds pilgrims – Catholic Culture
Any planning on the mission of the Church must start with that recognition, he cautioned. “Otherwise we run the risk of reducing things to a horizontal dimension which perverts the identity of the Church and the announcement of the faith.”
Church gives hope to women who have had abortions, says cardinal – CNA
Vatican, biotech firm host adult stem cell meeting
The Vatican has entered into an unusual partnership with a small U.S. biotech company to promote using adult stem cells for treating disease, rather than focusing research on embryonic stem cells.
US bishop links environmental justice with pro-life cause – CNA
The U.S. bishops’ committee leader on domestic justice said that clean air and environmental stewardship should be serious concerns within the pro-life movement.
Can Bishop Robert Finn Get a Fair Hearing? National Catholic Register
The forces the Kansas City bishop faces are seemingly arrayed against him — and the Church.
Bishop Finn strikes deal with prosecutor to avoid new indictment – Catholic Culture
The agreement allows the bishop to escape a 2nd indictment on criminal charges of failing to report evidence of sexual abuse. He now becomes the 4th American prelate giving public officials some control over diocesan affairs in order to escape prosecution.
Catholic Charities: The Bishop of Springfield Gets it Right by Dr. Jeff Mirus – Catholic Culture
“The silver lining of this decision is that our Catholic Charities going forward will be able to focus on being more Catholic and more charitable, while less dependent on government funding and less encumbered by intrusive state policies.”
CNN’s ‘Belief Blog’: Good Catholics Accept Homosexuality – Newsbusters
Fordham religious professor Patrick Hornbeck, in a post titled “Why good Catholics are challenging church line on homosexuality,” argues that good Catholics are increasingly rejecting “official Church teaching” concerning homosexuality
‘Homosexuality and the Church Crisis’ By Matt C. Abbott
This paper demonstrates that there is indeed a very strong link between male homosexuality and child sexual abuse.
Chair of DNC believes Catholic teaching is extreme, radical, divisive, dangerous, and destructive – InsideScoop
Parents campaign against videos shown at Catholic school, get police sent after them
Bishop, USCCB oppose Vanderbilt’s nondiscrimination policy
Under the policy, a Catholic student organization would be guilty of discrimination if it required its leaders to be Catholic.
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Flush With “Cash” – Socon or Bust
According to the CCCB’s (CONCACAN INC.) 2010 charity financial return, the CCBB has shown a surplus in its operations. In fact, it has recorded a healthy “profit” for the past several years according to their charity financial returns at CRA’s website.
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau ‘Bad Catholic’ debate shows no signs of subsiding – Catholic Register
The head of Priests for Life Canada states, “If someone wishes to be a Catholic they cannot pick and choose over the fundamental social justice teachings of the Church.” “You cannot pretend that life issues and human sexuality teachings are not central to the social justice teachings of the Church.
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development: Reform or Bust by Rey Flores – Crisis Magazine
Social “Justice” Perversions – Michael Voris VIDEO
The Church is NOT a social or philanthropic organization. Those who treat it as such do incredible amounts of spiritual damage to souls. Just ask the Pope.
Berlin’s new Catholic archbishop met the media on Tuesday – Reuters
to face accusations he was homophobic and far too conservative for such a prominent post in the free-wheeling German capital. Woelki’s Opus Dei academic credentials, link to Meisner and statements reaffirming the Church view that homosexual acts are sinful sparked off a storm in Berlin.
Corapi: Why were warning signs ignored? By Phil Lawler
Have we really learned so little, over the past decade, about how we should respond to charges of priestly misconduct? The fact that so many good Catholics are willing to cling loyally to the belief that Father John Corapi is innocent of all wrongdoing, despite so many clear warning signs, suggests that we still have not learned the necessary painful lessons.
China arrests Catholic priests, church members as persecution intensifies – BeliefNet