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Compiled by Steve Jalsevac
Cardinal Ouellet Warns Against Bible Crisis
Decries Threats From Inside and Outside Church
Major Changes at Ave Maria University
Tom Monaghan is stepping down as CEO of Ave Maria and Nick Healy is stepping down as president. Jim Towey, who worked for the Bush administration (Bush the son, not papa Bush) and is recently the former president of St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA (and who was also in the mix for president of CUA), will be taking over as president and CEO of Ave Maria on July 1.
Anne Rice: Catholic Church is “dishonorable…dishonest…an immoral church…”
Since announcing to great fanfare last summer that she was ditching the Church, Rice has revealed that she possesses a wealth of emotional baggage and a poverty of knowledge about Church history, practice, and theology.
It is increasingly obvious that Rice’s hatred (and it does appear to be hatred) of the Catholic Church flows from her conviction that her son’s homosexuality is not only perfectly fine, it should be celebrated and proclaimed good by the Church. Her “argument” seems to be simply: “I think being gay is great, and anyone who disagrees is evil.”
Weather Has Not Grown More Extreme Due to Warming – Wesley J. Smith
Girl Scouts Back Away From Pledge Committing Scouts to Lobby for Global Warming Laws
The Girl Scouts of the United States of America has launched a campaign called Forever Green that included an online pledge girls could sign, promising they would encourage public officials to pass emissions-reducing legislation. But after CNSNews.com asked the organization about the political advocacy on Tuesday, the pledge was removed from the Girl Scouts’ Web site. The language should not have been so “inflammatory,” one official said.
Consensus on global warming challenged – National Post
…a challenge last year by the membership of the Geological Society of Australia forced its executives to retract its position that “strong action be taken” to prevent “rising sea level, harmful shifts in the acid balance of the oceans and long-term changes in local and regional climate and extreme weather events,” pending a poll of the group’s members. And the Frontier Centre study documents tens of thousands of scientists who have signed their names to open declarations contesting the dangers of manmade climate change
State of Georgia experiencing coldest winter weather recorded
If colder-than-normal temperatures continue into February, this winter could possibly set records for the coldest winter ever in some parts of Georgia.
Oncologists Urge Greater Candor in Discussing Death With Terminally Ill Cancer Patients – Wesley J. Smith
Too often, people are denied the benefits of hospice care because doctors don’t bring it up. Too often, people take last ditch chemo that has very little chance of extending their lives, and which comes at a great cost to their ability to enjoy the time they have left. Too often, people miss the opportunities for closure, family forgiveness, spiritual preparedness, heck, dream vacations, and other important positives too numerous to list because they are denied the opportunity to come to grip with the pending nature of their own mortality.
Oprah wants ‘respect’ for Obama – Politico
She said the presidency is a position that “holds a sense of authority and governance over us all,” and that “even if you’re not in support of his policies, there needs to be a certain level of respect.”
Rick Santorum Is Not a Knuckle-Dragging Neanderthal – Kathryn Jean Lopez
U.S. Attorney General Holder urged to enforce federal obscenity laws
“The nation is flooded with illegal adult pornography in almost every medium, which is providing fuel to the fire of child pornography, destruction of marriages and families, addiction of children and adults, and an increase in sex trafficking, yet the U.S. Department of Justice has not indicted any distributors of such material in the past two years,” said Patrick Trueman, Morality in Media CEO and former chief of the Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section.