POPE’S, PRESIDENTS AND POWERS **There was an error in the link for this newsbyte yesterday https://www.ncregister.com/Register_News/031703ppp.htm Federal Judge Strikes Down Delaware’s 24 Hour Abortion Waiting Period https://www.delawareonline.com/newsjournal/local/2003/03/18abortionsdontre.html
Indiana Appeals Court Rules Lesbian Couple Can Jointly Adopt Kids https://www.hoosiertimes.com/stories/thisday/news.0320-HT-C2_PM035332.sto
Former Presidential Candidate Keyes Compares Abortion To Terrorism https://www.thebostonchannel.com/sh/health/stories/health-205001820030319-100348.html
AIDS Assistance Bill Halted in Senate for Revisions on Abstinence Focus https://www.washtimes.com/national/20030320-976365.htm RELIGIOUS BOOT CAMP RESCUES YOUNG LIVES https://www.knoxstudio.com/shns/story.cfm?pk=CAMP-FAITH-03-05-03&cat=LR COVERAGE OF THE RECALL EFFORT TO OUST PRO-ABORTION CALIF. GOVERNOR https://www.humaneventsonline.com/articles/03-03-03/gizzi.htm CLONAID (AGAIN) VOWS PROOF OF CLONED BABIES “The baby in Israel – Eve – is doing well. She is almost three months old now. The American parents are very happy and they might be in Brazil, but I cannot announce that yet.” – Clonaid president Brigitte Boisselier https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=571&ncid=751&e=5&u=/nm/20030319/hl_nm/cloned_babies_dc DEMOCRATS CONTINUE TO BLOCK ESTRADA NOMINATION The March 18 vote, as before, was 55 to 45. https://www.hillnews.com/news/031903/estrada.aspx