WASHINGTON, March 3, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – “George W. Bush rises ahead of the dawn most days, when the loudest sound outside the White House is the dull, distant roar of F-16s patrolling the skies. Even before he brings his wife, Laura a morning cup of coffee he goes off to a quiet place to read alone.” So begins a long feature in Newsweek about the president’s religious leanings and how this affects work and life at the White House. “Every president invokes God and asks his blessing,” Newsweek notes. G.K. Chesterton called America a “nation with the soul of a church.” But the Bush administration, Newsweek says, “is dedicated to the idea that there is an answer to societal problems here and to terrorism abroad: give everyone, everywhere, the freedom to find God, too.” The article selects a list of Bush quotations and researches the original source, often a Biblical passage or quote from Christian popular culture. The story claims the White House staff have formed multiple Bible studies. It extensively profiles the president’s personal and religious experiences, including an explanation of Bush’s satisfaction that the War on Terrorism, including a preemptive war against Iraq, are justified in Just War terms. To access the Newsweek feature: https://www.msnbc.com/news/878520.asp?cp1=1#BODY
WASHINGTON, March 3, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – “George W. Bush rises ahead of the dawn most days, when the loudest sound outside the White House is the dull, distant roar of F-16s patrolling the skies. Even before he brings his wife, Laura a morning cup of coffee he goes off to a quiet place to read alone.” So begins a long feature in Newsweek about the president’s religious leanings and how this affects work and life at the White House. “Every president invokes God and asks his blessing,” Newsweek notes. G.K. Chesterton called America a “nation with the soul of a […]