
BOSTON, Jan 18 (LifeSiteNews) – Alveda King, the niece of slain Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.  honoured her uncle’s memory Sunday speaking at the 27th Annual Interfaith Assembly for Life,  a pro-life project of the Massachusetts Citizens For Life.  The anniversary of King’s death was celebrated Saturday.

Alveda, whose father was killed a year after her uncle, is often criticized by those who attempt to hijack her uncle’s memory for causes he would disdain.  ‘‘Dr. King came from a family of faith and he would have supported life,’’ said Alveda.  A pro-life, pro-family woman who supports school vouchers, King answers those who argue her message contradicts that of her uncle saying, “‘A lot of people say, `How can you speak for him?’ Well, I’ll tell you what, it’s in the genes.”  The Boston Globe reports that Alveda is the mother of six children and grandmother of four.

For more see the Boston Globe.