AMSTERDAM, August 19, 2004 ( – A Dutch court ruled that the Women on Waves abortion boat cannot commit abortions in international waters, but must remain within 25 km of Amsterdam’s Slotervaartziekenhuis hospital, in case of medical emergency. The Women on Waves Foundation was founded in 1999 by Dutch abortionist Rebecca Gomperts, to bring media attention to bear on countries where the right to life is still protected by the state. The foundation was authorized by Dutch authorities to provide chemical, RU-486, abortions in international waters 12 miles from shore where the women are no longer subject to their own country’s laws. However, Minister Els Borst rejected Gomperts’ wish to conduct surgical abortions at sea, citing safety reasons. The abortion ship has sailed to both Ireland and Poland. In 2001, the Dutch government gave the sum of 72,000 guilders (approximately $43,000.00) indirectly for the conversion of a fishing trawler into a floating abortuary under the guise of an arts grant on the basis that the boat was “a work of art”.
The boat will nevertheless be sailing despite the decision, in order to further its anti-life agenda by distributing “family planning” information in pro-life countries.