
LINDA BOWLES It is a joy to see so many Americans calling upon God again and to see politicians publicly soliciting His blessings. It has been a long time since that happened. How much grander is our vision when there is no wall of separation between God and country! I hope that in the months and years to come, we will not forget our moment of truth and return to the way we were. I pray we will not allow the lessons of this tragedy to be gradually undermined and chipped away by those among us who secretly consider our national renewal of faith and unity a setback to their agenda. September 25, Worldnet Daily

ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE Most of these (terrorist) groups share the same enemies list – the United States and Israel. Their larger agendas, beyond their respective local issues, are also remarkably similar: Judeo-Christian decadence and depravity that must be smashed by destroying U.S. capitalism. September 25, National Post  Arnaud%20de%20Borchgrave

GEORGE KENDALL We have, unfortunately, given the world, especially the Third World, a number of reasons to hate us, not least our constant efforts to force social engineering, including birth control and abortion, down the throats of other nations… As long as we persist in trying to live a glutted, plutocratic empire, we are going to be vulnerable to attacks like the one that occurred September 11, however impossible such acts are to justify. September 20, The Wanderer

FR. MICHAEL SCHOOYANS, Belgian demographer In this new millennium, two fundamental Communist objectives are still being pursued; the destruction of nationalities and of the very idea of family….I am struck by the fact that the UN is evolving in that direction and that its agencies are taking on the features of ministries in a world state. Seen as an endeavor to do away with individual nationalities, cultures, political systems, etc., this is a disturbing phenomenon, as we would lose the rich variety of our world. As reported by Fr. John Kobler in September/October issue of Social Justice Review, St. Louis MO

DR. D.M. FARRELL In western societies many groups are failing to reproduce, and the trend toward zero population growth suggest serious national demoralization….There is no example in the history of the past 2,000 years of any society surviving a deadly structural dysfunction, such as the current self-induced sexual meltdown now being experienced. A shared sense of public decency no longer exists. While many still proclaim nominal disapproval to pedophilia, torture, cruelty to animals, or admirable comments about Nazis, most traditional moral prohibitions derived from the traditional sexual constituency have collapsed. Consumers of popular culture are not alarmed by profanity, vulgarity, brutality, extreme violence, sexual perversion, and blasphemy which now pass for artistic expression. Fear of Authentic Sexuality Corrupts Society, Social Justice Review, St. Louis MO, quoted in From the Mail, Wanderer, September 20, 2001

C.S. LEWIS ON THE ATTEMPTS TO MAKE THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL ….the attempt is based on the belief that reality never presents us with an absolutely unavoidable ‘either-or’ ; that, granted skill and patience and (above all) time enough, some way of embracing both alternatives can always be found; that mere development or adjustment or refinement will somehow turn evil into good without our being called on for a final and total rejection of anything we should like to retain. This belief I take to be a disastrous error. P.7, The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis