
Dear Readers,

  It seems there’s never a dull moment.

  The Uruguayan situation and Senate trashing of the Mexico City policy are the latest that cause us to marvel at how abortion forces are never satisfied with the millions of unborn children killed every year around the world. They want more and more dead babies and sterility and justify any means to force abortion on every nation and community on earth.

  The world de-populationeugenics movement is very alive and well. Very likely that is what is really driving them. It cannot possibly be women’s rights or “choice”. There seems to be a barbaric blood thirst to it all.

  It is a relief to once in a while hear a Canadian bishop forcefully speak out in public about the culture war and its effect on life, family and frankly everything else in a nation. Cardinal Ouelet hit the nail on the head.

  He said, “The real problem in Quebec (Canada, the US, Europe, the world?) is the spiritual emptiness created by a rupture of religion and culture and a substantial loss of memory brought about by a crisis of the family and education.”

  We agree. The bottom line is that there is a great and growing religious vacuum that is leaving many nations and their people vulnerable to social, cultural and even economic collapse. It also places us in great danger of losing our freedoms. So many nations are losing the very will to live and to give life because they have lost the sense of what life is really all about.

  Ultimately, the only real solution, as Cardinal Ouellet notes, is a spiritual renewal. However, and this is the catch, such a renewal has for decades been made especially difficult because of very weak, worldly, cowardly and even corrupt religious leadership. Many have allowed psychologists, lawyers, insurance companies, dissenting local church bureaucrats, bishops’ conference bureaucrats and everything other than the will of God to direct them.

  Cardinal Ouellet, Bishop Vasa and any other bishops and leaders of other denominations who speak up and act to restore faith and JudeoChristian civilization need to be supported and encouraged to continue. There seems to be somewhat of an awakening finally happening, although it is still very limited and far too cautious considering how quickly developments are moving.

  Poor Michael J. Fox is at it again. He just doesn’t get it. Embryonic stem cell research is wrong, unnecessary and deadly.

  As more of you follow up on our stories and take action, things WILL change. One cannot do it alone. It must involve one person, then another and another and so on. The accumulation of effective phone calls, letters, emails and more involved concrete actions eventually has an effect on each situation.

  You have been proving that, as we have seen time and again these past few years. But now even more readers need to join those who have been acting.

  Steve Jalsevac