SOUTH BEND, October 19, 2012, (—The University of Notre Dame will host a public debate on the issue of gay “marriage” next week between traditional marriage advocate Maggie Gallagher and a Wayne State University philosophy professor who bills himself as “the gay moralist.”
The October 25th debate will see Gallagher, president for the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, debate John Corvino, philosophy professor at Wayne State University. They will reportedly discuss the arguments from the book they co-authored, Debating Same-Sex Marriage.
Corvino has called Church teaching on sexuality, “Stubborn, perhaps–even foolish–but consistent” and bemoaned, “If only the pope could see the weakness of his own stance.”
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He said of Pope Benedict XVI:
Upon his election as pope, Benedict described himself as “a simple and humble laborer in the vineyard of the Lord.” It is hard to recognize humility in a man who insists that anyone who rejects his particular religious worldview must therefore endorse relativism and egoism. It is still harder to recognize it in someone who now claims to speak directly for God.
The event is reportedly sponsored by the Dean’s Fellows in the College of Arts & Letters.
This article originally appeared on Campus Notes, the blog of the Cardinal Newman Society, and is reprinted with permission.