HALIFAX, July 10, 2001 (LSN.ca) – Nova Scotia provincial Supreme Court Justice Deborah Gass rendered a written decision Monday stating that a provincial law that restricted adoption to married couples was unconstitutional and discriminated against homosexual and common-law couples. The ruling stems from a legal challenge launched by two lesbians with children who argued that they were being discriminated against because the province prevented both from being recognized as parents.
In her ruling Gass wrote: “Prohibiting a joint adoption where all the evidence indicates these adults are providing optimum care and loving .. defeats the very purpose of the legislation . The evolution of the concept of family and the importance of family to children … support the contention that this exclusion is unjustified.”
See the Globe and Mail coverage at: https://globeandmail.ca/servlet/RTGAMArticleHTMLTemplate/C/20010709/wgaycouples?tf=tgam/realtime/ fullstory.html&cf=tgam/realtime/config-neutral&vg=BigAdVariableGenerator&slug=wgaycouples&date=20010709&archive=RTGAM&site=Front&ad_page_name=breakingnews