
WASHINGTON, D.C., February 4, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – President Barack Obama on Sunday said the Boy Scouts of America should overturn its national ban on homosexual members and leaders, just days before the organization is scheduled to vote on the issue.

In a pre-Super Bowl interview with CBS, anchor Scott Pelley asked the president if he believed the Scouts should allow openly gay members and leaders.

“Yes,” Obama said.


Pressed to elaborate, Obama said homosexuals should be able to fully participate in “every institution” that others can.

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“I think that my attitude is that gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity the same way everybody else does, in every institution and walk of life,” the president said.

Since coming into office, Obama has become increasingly favorable toward the homosexualist cause.  Last year, he announced his support for same-sex “marriage,” and used his second inaugural address to highlight the issue.  He has also ordered his administration to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman.  He also pushed for an end to the “don't ask, don't tell” policy that barred open homosexuals from serving in the military.

Although the BSA national executive board reaffirmed the national ban on homosexuality just six months ago, calling it “absolutely the best policy,” pressure from gay activists led them to announce last week that they will consider dropping the ban at their national meeting.  The group is expected to vote on the issue Wednesday.

If the Scouts do end the national ban, policy on whether to admit open homosexuals will be left to local councils to decide.