BURBANK, CA, October 25, 2012, (LifeSiteNews.com) – The FDA says Planned Parenthood doesn’t perform mammograms. FactCheck.org says Planned Parenthood doesn’t perform mammograms. And last week Planned Parenthood itself issued a statement admitting it doesn’t perform mammograms.
But it seems President Obama didn’t get the memo.
Appearing last night on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, the president again claimed that the organization best known for providing abortions and birth control offers the breast cancer screening procedure. Citing Planned Parenthood as a critical issue in the current election, Obama said: “That organization provides millions of women with cervical cancers screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”
The mammogram line has long been a favorite of pro-abortion politicians eager to defend taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, but wary of invoking its controversial status as the country’s leading provider of abortions.
Pro-life leaders reacted with disbelief. “Obama was JUST on the Jay Leno show and AGAIN said that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms!” wrote Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic manager turned pro-life activist, on her Facebook page.
Johnson told LifeSiteNews that she doesn’t buy the line that Obama simply “misspoke” yet again. “It is clear that this is a calculated and consistent lie he is feeding the public,” she said, pointing out that Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards is on the campaign trail for Obama full time.
“One would think she would correct him on his blunders, but it is clear she has not.”
In fact, Richards herself has claimed that her organization offers mammograms.
Last week Johnson helped organize a “Call Planned Parenthood to Schedule your Imaginary Mammogram Day,” as part of an effort to put the mammogram claim to rest once and for all. The event came in response to Obama’s statement during the second presidential debate that Planned Parenthood offers mammograms. Over 1,000 pro-life activists called their local Planned Parenthood clinics to schedule a mammogram, only to be told what they already knew – that Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer them.
The day before the event, Planned Parenthood responded to the growing furor over the issue by releasing a statement confirming that they only refer for mammograms.
Americans need to “know the truth about an organization that receives almost half a billion dollars of their tax money,” Johnson said.
“They have been told so many lies over and over again, it is hard to determine what is truth.”
Johnson is now organizing a second “Call Planned Parenthood Day.”
After Obama’s latest gaffe on Leno, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, called on the president to “stop misleading the American people by repeating the falsehood that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms.”
“The President and his allies are using scare tactics with women’s health in order to get their vote,” she said in a statement. “President Obama should be exposed for promoting these falsehoods.”
But a recent paper published on First Things argues that, despite the controversy, Planned Parenthood likely won’t be offering mammograms anytime soon, pointing out that abortion is 125 to 165 times more profitable than mammography.
During fiscal year 2009-2010, Planned Parenthood reported more than one billion dollars in net assets.
“Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider – performing 392 abortions for every individual adoption referral it makes – and does not provide comprehensive, whole woman’s health care, including mammograms,” observed Dannenfelser. “Planned Parenthood is an abortion-centered, profit-driven business, funded by taxpayers who oppose their practices.”