WASHINGTON, D.C., July 4, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In a tremendous victory for pro-family activists, the “Safe Schools” office in the U.S. Department of Education, run by well-known gay rights extremist Kevin Jennings, has had its funding cut and status demoted.
The changes in the Office of Safe and Drug-free Schools came just two weeks after Jennings, the founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), resigned his position as assistant deputy secretary of the Office on May 23.
In the 2012 federal budget, the Office of Safe and Drug-free Schools lost nearly three-quarters of its annual funding, which amounted to an estimated $410 million in 2010. The Office itself will also be eliminated and remaining programs transferred to a newly created Office of Safe and Healthy Students, which will function under a lower status in the Department of Education.
The cuts followed over eighteen months of protest by pro-family groups, particularly Mass Resistance, who exposed Jennings’ vigorous promotion of the radical gay agenda in American schools.
Just last year 53 Congressmen sent letters to Obama requesting Jennings’ removal. Numerous other media sources, blogs and pro-family groups echoed their demand, pointing to Jennings’ long history of controversial activism.
Last year, Jennings helped introduce Bill 4530 in Congress, a bill that would normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, and cross-dressing in American public schools. In March, he organized an anti-bullying summit at the White House, in another effort to normalize homosexuality in schools.
In 2009, Jennings partnered with Planned Parenthood to host a sex-education event now known as “Fistgate,” due to the fact that at the event 14-21-year-olds were taught how to perform a dangerous and obscene sexual practice known as “fisting.” The same year, Jennings helped fund a pornographic, anti-Catholic and sado-masochistic art display currently being shown at Harvard University.
Jennings has also admitted to ignoring a case of homosexual statutory rape, when a 15-year-old confided to him when he was a teacher. When told of the homosexual encounter between the boy and a much older man, Jennings, describing himself as “a closeted gay teacher,” told the boy, “You know, I hope you knew how to wear a condom.” The age of consent in Massachusetts is 16 years old. He later said that, “Twenty-one years later I can see how I should have handled the situation differently.”