
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman

NORFOLK, BRITAIN, December 11, 2008 ( – A Norfolk County police officer who was fired for quoting the Bible regarding the immorality of homosexual sexual relations says that he is “totally devastated” by what has happened to him.

“It was a job I loved. This is destroying me and my family,” Officer Graham Cogman told the Daily Mail last week.

Cogman was reportedly dismissed from his position in late November after he sent an email quoting Biblical passages denouncing homosexual behavior, and another e-mail linking to a ministry in the USA that seeks to cure homosexuals of their condition.

Cogman says he sent the emails after being “bombarded” with emails sent by police department employees promoting the “gay” agenda, including messages urging him to wear a pink ribbon in honor of “gay history month.”  He reportedly responded to one email from a homosexual liaison officer with the Christian saying, “Love the sinner, hate the deed.”

There are no reports of firings or discipline against the employees of the police department who promote homosexual behavior.

Police officials claim that Cogman violated department regulations regarding computer use, as well as regulations requiring “politeness and tolerance,” according to one media report.  “This officer’s behavior fell well below what we expect of our people,” said department spokesman Ian Learmoth.

“In the service in general there is a feeling of fear,” Cogman told the Daily Mail. “There is a definite bias against faith – any faith – if it takes a critical view of homosexual sex.”

“The easy option for me would have been to keep quiet but when there is such prejudice towards one point of view, how can that be right? That doesn’t sound like equality and diversity to me,” he added.

The Rev Martin Young, vicar of St Andrew’s church in Norwich, has written an open letter to the Norfolk police department blasting their actions.

“His views are not extreme or unusual,” writes Young. “They are consistent with the published understanding of the Church of England, of which he is a member.”

“The phrase ‘Love the sinner, hate the deed’ is a common Christian aphorism which encapsulates the Christian’s duty to love all people, regardless of their lifestyle choices,” the letter continued. “This is presumably also what the service intend to convey in their diversity policy.”

“PC Cogman made measured responses in a spirit of openness and honesty, and for this he should be lauded, not punished.”

Cogman is reportedly appealing the decision with the help of the Christian Legal Centre.

Contact Information:

Norfolk Police Department
  (44) 0845 456 4567 (from the US, dial “011” first)
[email protected]

Christian Legal Centre