COLUMBUS, November 16, 2012 ( – The “War on Women” rhetoric received a new twist this week when Ohio State Senator Nina Turner showed up to a Planned Parenthood press conference wearing a t-shirt declaring that GOP stands for “get out of my panties.”
GOP, the other name for the Republican Party, is an acronym for “Grand Old Party.”
The press conference was called in response to renewed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood in the state, as well as to pass the “Heartbeat Bill,” which would ban abortion after the point when the unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable.
Earlier this week the Ohio Health & Aging Committee voted to move forward a bill that would prioritize the state’s family planning funding away from abortion providers – effectively stripping Planned Parenthood of funding.
Turner reacted angrily to the proposal, telling those assembled at the press conference, “If they continue their pursuit to condemn women, we will not stand for it.”
“I have three words for the GOP: Get a grip,” said Turner. “We are not going back to the Dark Ages. We are not going to suppress our voice or our choice. And we are not going to forget.”
Turner accused the Republicans of being “arrogant” and “inebriated with power.”
Ohio Right to Life said that de-prioritizing Planned Parenthood simply makes good sense. “Planned Parenthood has a monopoly on public funding, but they provide only a fraction of health services to women in Ohio,” said Ohio Right to Life Legislative Director Stephanie Krider.
“Local health districts, community health centers and community action agencies provide a vast majority of health care services to low-income and uninsured women and that is where this funding will go,” Krider added.
Senator Turner stirred controversy earlier this year by introducing a protest bill making it more difficult for men to get a Viagra prescription – a response to the increasing volume of pro-life legislation in Ohio.
Democrats and abortion supporters have increasingly claimed the Republican Party’s pro-life position is an attack on women’s genitals.
Recent pro-abortion protests have featured women dressed up as giant vaginas, and Michigan legislators giving a public reading of The Vagina Monologues.
In a separate incident, legislators danced on the steps of the Michigan legislature while singing, “It’s My Vagina, So Hands Off Baby.”
During the recent presidential campaign, the official Obama tumblr account posted an e-card urging women to “vote like your lady parts depend upon it.”
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