Friday March 31, 2000
PARIS, Mar 31 ( – Population control gurus Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong and Stephen Rockefeller have announced the completion of the final version of the Earth Charter – a global set of moral values which pretends to be acceptable to all regardless of religion or culture. On March 14, the group announced the final version “after eight years of deliberation with more than 100,000 people in 51 countries.” “The document creates an unprecedented ethical and moral framework to guide the conduct and behavior of people and nations to each other and the Earth,” says the announcement. It also heralded a “worldwide campaign” for promotion of the Charter.
Besides being riddled with new age philosophies and mantras centering on earth worship, the document attacks pro-life and pro-family values. Using typical UN language for abortion (i.e. Reproductive health) the Charter says we must “Ensure universal access to health care that fosters reproductive health and responsible reproduction.” (2.7.e) Furthermore the Charter uses the term “sexual orientation” to open the possibility of forbidding religious taboos against homosexuality. “Eliminate discrimination in all its forms, such as that based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, language, and national, ethnic or social origin.,” says the document in section 3.12.a.
The framers of the document intend to enforce the Charter via international law. Mikhail Gorbachev stated, “The Earth Charter will play a historical role within the scope of international law by elaborating the moral and ethical values for a modern civil society.” The Charter will be presented to the UN and world governments. It is also expected to be present at several key international events in 2000 including: the World Earth Day, the World Conservation Union – IUCN General Assembly, the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives -ICLEI World Congress, the Summit of Religious Leaders, the INES Forum of Engineers, the Spirituality and Sustainability Conference, the State of the World Forum, the NCSD Millennium Global Forum, and other events.
The Earth Charter is available on line at:
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