
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2007 ( – As women around the world observe International Women’s Day the women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign are urging the United Nations and cultures worldwide to celebrate the one thing that makes women unique – the ability to nurture life and give birth.

  The organization of women who publicly regret their abortions states, “It is time for people to re-consider the archaic acceptance that for women to be equal to men we must deny our reproductive gifts. The last 50 years of feminism has undermined what it really means to be a woman. Organizations such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) have tried to achieve equality by neutering women. Specifically through the promotion of abortion, yesterday’s feminists have done more harm to their sisters than any previous patriarchal system have.”

  Actress, Author and Model, and Silent No More Campaign Spokesperson, Jennifer O’Neill commented, “As women being silent no more about the harm abortion has caused us personally, we know that NOW and their compatriot organizations that promote abortion, do not represent us. We also know abortion is not good for women’s health and it is not empowering.”

“I have seen thousands of women emotionally, physically, and spiritually damaged by abortion.” stated Janet Morana, Silent No More Campaign Co- founder and Associate Director of Priests for Life.

  According to Georgette Forney, Silent No More Campaign Co-founder and President of Anglicans for Life, “It is time for real women to stand together and celebrate our uniqueness as women. We also need all institutions (government, NGO, educational, medical, and religious) to stop relying on abortion instead of providing real help for pregnant women.”

  Silent No More Awareness acknowledges and celebrates International Women’s Day, “a day that affirms what it really means to be a woman – giving and nurturing life.”

  Since officially launching the Campaign in 2003, more than 2326 women and men have shared their testimonies at 189 Gatherings in 44 states and 5 countries with more than 15,800 spectators having heard the truth about abortion’s negative after-affects. More than 4,100 women and men have registered online to be silent no more. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is sponsored by Anglicans for Life and Priests for Life. Information about after- abortion counseling programs is available on the Campaign website or by calling 800-395-HELP.