June 29, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – With just 2 days left in our Summer Fundraising Campaign, you still have time to help us reach and possibly even exceed our goal. That will immensely help our efforts to break free from Big Tech, launch our International Broadcast Studio and increase our video and other reporting with massive success!
We are seeing more active suppression of crucial news than ever before. The developments we must report are rapidly growing beyond what we can handle with our current resources. In the US, the very corrupt, globalist Biden presidency, and in Canada, the rapidly increasing legislative and other tyranny of the Trudeau government, have especially accelerated this situation.
Remember, EVERY new person you help us reach through our reporting will become equipped and motivated to engage in the culture war.
We need to encourage the growth of a large wave of truth loving, courageous warriors who will act to oppose those trying to destroy all that is most precious to you and impose their New World Order slavery of everyone on the planet.
At this late hour, we must challenge all who have not yet donated to help us stand for life, faith, family, and freedom.
Can I count on you to help us detach from Big Tech entirely? A gift of $500, $250, $100, or even $35 today will bring us that much closer to our goal. Please use this link to make a donation using our secure donation form: https://give.lifesitenews.com
Many readers, just like you, have chosen to support our mission financially so that they can continue to have an always reliable, professional quality, alternative news source to what the mainstream media provides.
If you value our news reporting, please consider a donation today.
Over the last few days and throughout this past weekend we successfully fended off a substantial denial of services attacks on our server that you may have noticed dramatically slowed down the website during its peaks. Yet, we see these threats and attacks as a blessing – because it means we’re doing something right!
A unique characteristic of LifeSite is that we do not rely on ourselves and our talents for success in this mission. We above all rely on the grace of God. Tha is because we are attempting to counter forces and movements with influence, worldly power and financial resources far beyond our own.
To continue this passionate truth mission, we must break free from Big Tech and the ‘free’ social media and video platforms. That means that we must incur the costs associated with building the infrastructure to produce, publish, host, and disseminate our content on our own terms.
Doing so comes at a great cost, but it will mean that we can report the news free from censorship and other attacks!
Can you chip-in just $10 today? You can make a secure donation by using this link: https://give.lifesitenews.com
(Please Note: LifeSiteNews is a 501(c)3 organization, and donations are tax-deductible in the United States.)
Please support our Summer Campaign Fundraiser with a donation today: https://give.lifesitenews.com
And above all, please pray for the success of this campaign. That is a sincere request.
We can’t wait to bring you all the best content as we complete and start using our new International Broadcast Studio!