We can’t tell you how deeply humbled – and encouraged! – we are right now.
With 3 days left in our 2016 Christmas fundraising campaign, we have just $147,736 – or less than 50% of our goal! – left to raise to continue our uncompromising pro-life and pro-family reporting in 2017! (Click here to donate)
In the past two weeks, literally thousands of pro-life and pro-family readers have demonstrated just how strongly they believe in LifeSite’s mission to build a Culture of LIFE, by personally sacrificing to support our unique brand of fearless pro-life and pro-family news reporting.
But now, at this late hour, we must challenge all who have not yet donated to stand with us one more time!
With the large number of people reading LifeSite every month, if everybody who read this donated even as little as $5, the goal would be met in a matter of hours!
It truly is that easy!
Never in our lifetime has there been such an urgent need for totally independent, uncompromising, pro-life and pro-family news reporting.
Over the past year we have all watched the global mainstream media shamelessly reject every pretense of objectivity. They not only openly threw their weight behind the effort to elect the most pro-abortion and anti-family U.S. presidential candidate ever, but, even more disturbing, in many cases cheered the growing attacks on the freedoms of ordinary men and women of faith who believe in ages-proven, traditional principles.
We’ve seen the media mercilessly attack faithful Christians like Chip and Joanna Gaines, support oppressive measures like Obama’s transgender bathroom mandate, or Justin Trudeau’s transgender “hate” law, and shamelessly cover up the criminal actions of abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood.
Meanwhile, because of unprecedented developments in the Catholic Church in the past year, it has become exceptionally difficult to find truly accurate – and 100% faithful – news and information related to these astonishing developments!
One of the most powerful effects of being funded by an army of everyday pro-life and pro-family donors like you, is that LifeSite is free to report the truth, unhindered, and without ever having to be worried about interference from third parties. LifeSite has always fiercely protected this independence – and it has given our journalists and editors the freedom to answer only to the truth in our reporting!
Once again, however, if we are to continue this truth mission without cutbacks in 2017, we absolutely must reach our goal for this campaign.
I cannot overemphasize how much the success of our pro-life and pro-family mission completely depends upon reaching the minimum goals we set for these quarterly campaigns.
Without the proceeds from our Christmas campaign, we could not:
- Pay the necessary wages for the 30+ full and part-time professional, trained pro-life and pro-family journalists and support staff in 7 nations that keep this life-and-family news agency going
- Maintain and improve our always cutting-edge website, which is on track to serve 25 million people around the world in 2016 alone
- Maintain and activate our social media following of 900,000+ pro-life and pro-family followers, and our e-mail list of 500,000+ contacts
- Cover the costs of our web servers, e-mail marketing software, graphic design, and legal, administrative, and accounting services
- Store our vast database of 55,000+ articles, spanning nearly two decades, as an unparalleled resource for those on the front lines of the culture war
- Network and strategize with hundreds of pro-life, pro-family, religious and political leaders around the world, and respond to the numerous requests to speak to local, national and international groups and organizations on breaking news related to life and family issues.
And there is always so much more work to be done. We can’t apply the brakes now! Click here to make a secure donation online.
We’ve said it before, but it is worth repeating: In these final days of our quarterly campaigns, we are sometimes tempted to give in to some anxiety, wondering whether we will have the resources needed to keep moving forward at full-steam in the new year.
And yet, as the years have gone by, even as LifeSite has grown by leaps and bounds, exerting a greater influence in the world, but also requiring greater resources, we have learned to grow in trust.
For 20 years now, Divine Providence has watched over this mission, providing for our every legitimate need, so long as the LifeSite team placed our mission in His hands.
And for 20 years now, our growing army of supporters has shown themselves willing to sacrifice for this mission, reliably responding to our appeals, and giving us the tools that we need to put God’s inspirations into concrete action.
We feel confident that this time will be no different! Please, support our 2016 Christmas campaign with a donation today.
Be a part of the LifeSite team by making a supportive donation. Remember, this is your news service.