TORONTO, March 24, 2005 ( – The February 22nd press release by the Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops (OCCB) in response to Ontario Bill 171 is now being wrongfully used to claim Catholic support for the federal same-sex marriage Bill C-38 in Ottawa. Confusion regarding federal and provincial jurisdiction surrounding legal protection for clergy in the matter of same-sex marriage has resulted in a new letter being issued from the OCCB to all Ontario Members of Parliament at their riding offices and at the House of Commons. It makes clear that the Ontario bishops are opposed to all aspects of Bill C-38.
In February 2005 the Ontario Liberal government began proceeding with a Bill to remove gender based reference to marriage in all applicable provincial acts; 72 in all. While continuing to oppose the redefinition of marriage, the OCCB endorsed the provincial bill in a move which pro-family leaders condemned as a grievous error.
The intent of the endorsement was to back the Ontario bill’s legal protection for clergy and sacred places. However the fears of pro-family leaders that the endorsement would be misinterpreted have been realized.
The OCCB has learned that some Federal Members of Parliament are now interpreting their statement on the provincial legislation to mean than the OCCB has changed its official position with regard to bill C-38. The new OCCB communiqué, dated March 15, however clearly states: “The opposition of the Bishops to any change to the definition of marriage has been clearly stated many times, and is well known. The provision of legal protection for religious rights by the province of Ontario in no way lessens our deep concern over the serious and detrimental long-term effects that the changes proposed in Bill C-38 by the federal government will have on our society.”
Tom Reilly, the General Secretary of OCCB, said that “Some MP’s seem to think that there is some comfort in the section of Bill C-38 which purports to protect freedom of religion. We just don’t see any protection there at all.” Nor can there be any such federal protection since it is not their legal jurisdiction. The OCCB letter to Federal MP’s shows that “The Supreme Court of Canada stated clearly that enacting legislation to protect the right of Churches to celebrate marriage according to their doctrine is a provincial, not a federal jurisdiction. The Bill (C-38) offers an assurance that the federal government knows it does not have the constitutional authority to provide.”
The OCCB continues to “call upon all Members of Parliament to uphold in Canadian law the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.”
See related coverage:
Bishops’ Support for Ontario Same-Sex Bill Disappoints Pro-Marriage Groups