By John-Henry Westen
TORONTO, November 22, 2007 ( – The Halton Catholic District School Board has pulled the anti-Catholic, anti-religion book “The Golden Compass” from library shelves after parents complained about them. However, the Toronto Star reports that the militant atheist books remain in the libraries of neighbouring Catholic school boards in Toronto and York region.
“The Golden Compass,” is one of Phillip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” trilogy, which includes “Northern Lights” (re-titled “The Golden Compass”), “The Subtle Knife” and “The Amber Spyglass.” Pullman wrote these books with the intention of indoctrinating children with atheistic values. Pullman told The Washington Post in 2001 that he was deliberately “trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.”
The best selling novels of the atheist author, have sparked the creation of a controversial new fantasy film starring Nicole Kidman to be released this December 7 by New Line Cinema – a Time Warner Company.
Pullman has repeatedly stated his belief that God is dead, and the author incorporates this theme into the second book when God dies. Pullman and fellow children’s author Michael Rosen produced a course on atheism for schools called ‘Why Atheism?’ that is designed for children 11-years and older.
The Star reports, after Pullman’s controversial remarks hit the press due to publicity for the movie, an internal memo was sent to Halton Catholic elementary school principals that said “the book is apparently written by an atheist where the characters and text are anti-God, anti-Catholic and anti-religion.”
The books are being removed since they are under review and a decision to permanently remove the books will be made by Halton Catholic board trustees.
To express concerns:
Halton Catholic Board of Education Trustees:”> (scroll down for Catholic trustees)
York Region Catholic Board of Education Trustees: